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School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive

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but with the guy talking about irrelevant national traitors and taxpayer dollars paying for surgeries, talking about how society shouldn't cater to minorities and making arguments that are word for word the same as ones against gay marriage.***

First, how is the Bradley Manning situation "irrelevant" to this conversation? The argument made upthread was that society should respect the self-identification of gender, and I offered a real-world factual example of exactly what happens if you follow that policy. You want to discuss this in the abstract, as if compliance really wouldn't raise any problems or issues in the real world. It does, and this is one of those examples.

Second, you clearly don't know what "word for word" means. The gay marriage debate is not a question of labels, and I'm not aware of any aspect of that debate where people are saying the word "gay" shouldn't be used, or that gender pronouns are inappropriate. In fact, you couldn't even have a gay marriage debate without recognizing the difference between a "man" and a "woman".
My son (Second grade) goes to a school that sees the world this way. We think it's great, at seven he understands the difference between biological gender and gender identity. Something a fair number of posters here seem mystified by. Why should any child be singled out socially because old people are frozen in biblical concepts of family structure and gender identity? Maybe they should have their own water fountains? The bathrooms are unisex and they are asked to line up by favorite color, or odd numbered bday or even as opposed to relying on lazy formulas like boy and girl. Don't want to tip anyones canoe but this isn't rampant progressivism- it's a better quality educational product.

Serious question @theSwayze does the school have sports teams? How are they divided?

I guess where i'm going with this, is that most of these schools i'm reading about like yours, still divide sports teams up into boys and girls. If they are dividing the sports teams, why not divide the bathrooms?

For that district that can't say boy/girl, him/her, etc...i want to know how do they have sports teams, sign up sheets, anything sports related without saying those words?
Here's one thing that honestly confuses me about this. The argument has been made upthread that there are two ways to divide people -- by "biological sex", and by "gender" (or "gender roles"), and that we need to recognize those are not the same thing. Okay, fine, let's accept that. Biological sex and gender/gender roles may not match for some people.

But why can't we simply agree that labels like "boy/girl, man/woman, his/her" refer to biological sex, and not to "gender"? Everyone seems to acknowledge that biological sex (which we could define by having dicks or vags, chromosomes, etc..) actually does exist. Seems to me we should be able to continue using all those male/female distinctions based on biological sex. That shouldn't confuse or offend anyone, because both the parents and the child would simply be accepting the biological reality without conceding "gender".
I think all of this is because people now are being a real dick about "political correctness".
Well, I'm not a staunch Republican and I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong or have changed my mind on a topic when it's appropriate.

Perhaps you're gleaning that from my opinions re: Native Americans, gay marriage, global warming and my anti-religious beliefs? I'd say my beliefs in those areas are definitely progressive.

I wouldn't even necessarily say my opinions come from having an open mind. They've come from me actively seeking out opinions on both sides and seeing which one made the most logical sense to me. I need something to be soundly logical to accept it. And I'm trying to see the logic in the argument that we can't acknowledge gender and need to change our rules because a small handful of people aren't comfortable with the way they or their kids feel as a result of them identifying with the opposite gender.
Yes this is exactly what i was thinking and really how i personally define an open mind i guess, meaning you are honestly willing to be convinced of a new position. I completely dismissed the gender debate before going to college, and even dismissed gay marraige I'm ashamed to say. While the gay marriage opinion quickly changed the gender opinion took a lot longer because it is a subtler problem, and frankly a more annoying one for an unaffected outsider.

I'm not saying that I don't think people with these gender complications/confusion shouldn't be accepted/welcomed. They absolutely should. And moreover, they shouldn't be bullied.

My opinion is that schools shouldn't be pretending genders don't exist and to be allowing special privileges to kids whose parents have decided their children should buck the ages old social trend of being a boy or girl. Instead, they should focus on developing the positives of both genders and teaching kids to be good people who accept one another regardless of what they're like, so long as they behave as good people.

I haven't seen any opinions from scientists. Which ones are you referring to? Scientists are generally whom I will end up agreeing with the opinions from, so I'm open to seeing those. I can tell you that I don't agree with many of the opinions coming out of the psychologly as relates to diagnoses of mental disorders, so if it's psychology I'm going to be less likely to accept is as gospel unless the studies are extremely sound.
Well, the only scientific opinion i was referring to is my own, given that i actually have a huge amount of experience in the scientific differences between the sexes (girls have something i hear is called a "wagina"). Seriously though the only scientific point was really that these differences are easy to produce and definitely occur in the brains of affected individuals, and that there is a biological basis for someone feeling like a woman in a man's body. It was really only to refute opinions that you could fix a majority of these cases with therapy to make them feel like a man again, but people don't seem to be arguing that point so i guess it's agreed upon that it is a real issue.

For one paragraph i'll go full objective logic because maybe that will appeal to you.
FACT: There are people out there who feel like a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa.
FACT: These feelings are often backed up by physical differences in the brain that more strongly correlate to the other sex.
FACT: Therefore there is a difference between your physical sex and what you self identify as. I will refer to your self identity as your gender, but feel free to call it something else like your Fruit.
FACT: Society is primarily structured around two genders/fruits that are linked to their correlated sexes. However, if you "agree" with the previous scientific facts, you should agree that this dichotomy is a false one, objectively.
OPINION: If this dichotomy is false, it should not be taught as true. If you want your child to accurately learn what is out there they should learn about the other genders/fruits. One way of doing so is to teach kids at a young age, and experiences seem to show that kids are very open to such things because they don't have decades of experiences the other ways.

As far as parents go...I think most of them are pussies now. The AYSO mentality is alive and well and it's negative. There's a general expectation that teachers be a direct extension of the way parents are raising their kids, regardless of what kind of strange or alternative beliefs they employ at home. I'm annoyed by the belief a lot of parents have that they and their kids quirks need to be catered to moreso than developing or in this case, continuing, rules and approaches that are showing no logical issues (ie boys and girls are inherently different) after years of employ.

And I think this is an extension of that. As @David. mentioned, alpha macho bullshit doesn't work. It makes a large portion of males into insecure, ignorant assholes and it leads to misogyn, abuse, fights and animalistic behavior. But I'm having trouble being convinced that once kids see bilogical differences between their private parts, the way they go to the bathroom and the way their bodies develop and the way personalities naturally form...it makes sense to just ignore these things and pretend there's a better way to divide them up, if divisions must be made.

The reason I don't agree with this philosophy isn't because I'm not being open-minded. It's because I think the argument isn't sound at all. They're identifying a problem that doesn't exist and applying a solution that isn't necessary.
I very much agree with Dave, and i actually think that if girls and boys are combined more often that it would go a long way to reduce the "rape culture" and sexism present in so many frats that we see today.

I think a major point of disconnect between us is that you feel this is ignoring the boy/girl distinction, while i feel it is acknowledging that boy/girl aren't the only options. To me its like if everyone was referred to as either black or white, and then we decided to start acknowledging the shades of brown and other races that actually exist. It's not about ignoring the black/white difference, but rather not emphasizing it as the holy dichotomy that it really isn't. If you make male/female the immutable sex difference, and then gender is a large spectrum that is self-identified you aren't ignoring the differences but rather recognizing things that weren't recognized before.

Here's what I see:

I see people pointing out that many people grow up and find they don't identify with many of the norms/expectations of their gender.

Then as they look back on their childhood, they believe that gender roles were forced on them. They were taught to play with trucks and play sports and get dirty. To like blue instead of pink. Were told not to be a sissy and to man up, don't be a girl about it,etc. Then they were expected to be attracted to the opposite sex, whether they were or not. One way or the other, they rejected some or all of these things in retrospect. They believe that these norms and rules set for boys lead to some level of confusion that prevented them from becoming the person they are sooner in life. They identified moreso with personality traits and interests more closely associated with girls. All of the same applies to girls except in reverse.

The solution in all of this, imo, isn't to deny that these kids are boys or girls but rather to expose them to every color, hobby, animal, etc and see what they like. If 9/10 times they like something that 9/10 girls like and don't like something 9/10 boys like and exhibit commonly female behaviors and this trend continues for a long period of time...they're a boy who identifies with girls. They're not a person who identifies with girls.

What I'm saying is that you don't have to ignore gender norms and make the sex/gender division one more thing that's against the rules for teachers to foist on your kids to have well-adjusted kids. Again, while you're acknowledging these differences, kick the kids that make fun of the girly boy out of class and tell their parents they're not welcome at the school if they're going to bully and make a perfectly happy and well-behaved kid feel bad about himself. And teach the girly boy that his interests are great though different than his classmates and that he should continue to pursue those interests. To me, that's how well-adjusted people are raised. Denial or evasion is never a good thing in my eyes. And I see this mentality as both.
I think we are very much on the same page here and would raise our kids in similar ways. But lets assume for a moment that you had one of those kids, say a son who liked to wear dresses and play with dolls, and most of his friends were girls as a result. I would think that having a class run by Keys where he thinks of creative ways to get kids to line up that don't make your son uncomfortable would be preferable to you. Things like lining up for recess and using the bathroom are really the only places where this would come into play, and i think everyone could agree that thinking up different ways to line up everyday is probably a lot more engaging to kids, and they would be excited to pick between "team cupcake" and "team chocolate chip cookie". As far as bathrooms and locker rooms, perhaps combining sexes would do a lot to combat macho-ism and sexism. I really don't know but it is at least as likely to be beneficial as detrimental. Sports teams you probably have to divide by sex once kids are older, but i don't think sports teams are as big of a deal as this sports message board is making them out to be.

Lastly i want to reemphasize that I am not saying to not call a boy a boy or a girl a girl. I'm saying that if that boy really doesn't like to be called a boy, then don't be an ass and call him a boy, and teach the other kids to call the boy what he wants to be called, because he might not feel like a boy. It's not denying the differences between men and women, it's acknowledging the differences between the brains of various men and the brains of various women. I've said this about a dozen times but it seems difficult to get across. Putting people in the same line for recess doesn't mean you think they are all the same.

Hopefully some of this hits home in your logic center. It took me awhile and a lot of personal experience to change my opinion on it so i can't expect others to change quickly either. I remember being quite annoyed by it for the first few years of college too, it just seemed like trying to be PC for the sake of being PC. I'm confident that as you gather more information through your life you will eventually shift however when you realize that is it a real issue, albeit a subtle below the surface one that is incredibly easy to ignore, because we can't see brains.

First, how is the Bradley Manning situation "irrelevant" to this conversation? The argument made upthread was that society should respect the self-identification of gender, and I offered a real-world factual example of exactly what happens if you follow that policy. You want to discuss this in the abstract, as if compliance really wouldn't raise any problems or issues in the real world. It does, and this is one of those examples.

Second, you clearly don't know what "word for word" means. The gay marriage debate is not a question of labels, and I'm not aware of any aspect of that debate where people are saying the word "gay" shouldn't be used, or that gender pronouns are inappropriate. In fact, you couldn't even have a gay marriage debate without recognizing the difference between a "man" and a "woman".
No, you clearly don't know what a strawman argument is. I made the accusation and you responded with first suggesting that i or anyone else had argued anywhere that criminals should get taxpayer funded reassignment surgery (standing up the strawman). You then debunked that argument by bringing up an extreme example of even that argument and suggesting that to support this stance is to somehow support traitors (knocking down the strawman). At first i thought you were being sarcastic by making the most egregious strawman argument possible but that clearly isn't the case, especially considering you made another big one this morning:

As I see it, the tension between these different POV's is based on one group believing that society at large needs to change to maximize the ability to every individual to be well-adjusted. And while that sounds wonderful in the abstract, it is also what leads to the "everybody is a winner" mindset of trying to cater to everyone's personal ego. Some people are more physically attractive than others, more intelligent, better in terms of physical ability/health, more socially adept, etc.. And the people who are not any one of those things may well have adjustment/happiness issues because of it.

By this logic, then, we should eliminate all of those distinctions that might adversely affect someone's ego or feelings. Let's just pretend nobody is more attractive than anyone else, or a better athlete, or more intelligent. We're all just equal in every respect, and that way, nobody's feelings get hurt.
You're right, i was arguing that everyone is equal at sports, and equally attractive, and equally intelligent, and i love to spend money on traitor's genitals. In fact i also believed that we should all paint our skin the same uniform brown color, and worship a combination of everyone's religious beliefs, and we should allow cats to attend school if they want because who am i to judge? I assume you were going to address those beliefs of mine next but i say NO NEED SIR. You have so deftly knocked down my traitorous testicle beliefs that i have completely changed my stance.
No, you clearly don't know what a strawman argument is. I made the accusation and you responded with first suggesting that i or anyone else had argued anywhere that criminals should get taxpayer funded reassignment surgery (standing up the strawman). You then debunked that argument by bringing up an extreme example of even that argument and suggesting that to support this stance is to somehow support traitors (knocking down the strawman). At first i thought you were being sarcastic by making the most egregious strawman argument possible but that clearly isn't the case, especially considering you made another big one this morning:

No, I was pointing to the logical consequences of accepting a subjective definition of gender. It's a particularly nasty example because of who Manning was, but that doesn't change the reality. Forget the traitor aspect, although the subjective standard would be fully capable of manipulation by criminals and other undesireables. If we're going to adopt the "you are what you say you are" standard of determining gender -- which is inherent in this entire discussion -- then we have to address the consequences of what that means in the real world. And the prisons to which we choose to assign people are just one of the almost innumerable ways gender distinctions matter.

As for paying for gender reassignment surgery, it's not a strawman. It already is a real world issue being argued with respect to insurance and government-provided health care.

As I see it, you are focusing on a singular aspect of this issue -- what we call little children in grade school -- and dodging the implications of that in society at large. If a child being confused about what gender he/she "feels like" is sufficient to make that child not a male or female, he/she, etc.., then either we carry that rule on past grade school, or we are teaching those children a fantasy that will be debunked as soon as they leave grade school, which won't help anyone.

You're right, i was arguing that everyone is equal at sports, and equally attractive, and equally intelligent, and i love to spend money on traitor's genitals. In fact i also believed that we should all paint our skin the same uniform brown color, and worship a combination of everyone's religious beliefs, and we should allow cats to attend school if they want because who am i to judge? I assume you were going to address those beliefs of mine next but i say NO NEED SIR. You have so deftly knocked down my traitorous testicle beliefs that i have completely changed my stance.

Nice little rant to dodge the larger point. I did not say that you espoused those other views. I was simply pointing out that the basis for some people opposing your position is similar to the reason some of us oppose the "everyone's equal" culture in general. It is the responsibility of the individual to adjust to reality, not the other way around.

You are advocating changing the language to avoid recognition of real biological distinctions, simply to ensure that some people don't feel uncomfortable. My point is that reality can make all of us feel uncomfortable for one reason or another, including not only biological sex, but intelligence, physical attractiveness, athletic ability, etc.. Every situation where our personal desires may not match with the condition of our birth has the potential to be upsetting. But I don't believe the way to address those individual disappointments is by pretending those differences don't exist. The recognition of those differences exist is an unavoidable part of living in a functioning society.
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If you're so against the idea of taxpayer money going toward reassignment surgery for bad people, you must be appalled by how much taxpayer money goes into the prison system, paying the living expenses of millions of prisoners each year. Surely the cost-to-benefit ratio there is far more objectionable.
If you're so against the idea of taxpayer money going toward reassignment surgery for bad people, you must be appalled by how much taxpayer money goes into the prison system, paying the living expenses of millions of prisoners each year. Surely the cost-to-benefit ratio there is far more objectionable.

That is a strawman argument. Can't you see that The Human Q-Tip provided a real world example of the implications of these ideas? Don't take it so personal.
If you're so against the idea of taxpayer money going toward reassignment surgery for bad people,

It's not just bad people. I don't believe taxpayer money should go for elective surgery period.

you must be appalled by how much taxpayer money goes into the prison system, paying the living expenses of millions of prisoners each year. Surely the cost-to-benefit ratio there is far more objectionable.

No, the cost/benefit ratio is far less objectional to me. The benefit of locking up criminals goes to ordinary taxpayers like me. So, I don't mind paying the costs. But the benefit of elective surgeries goes to the person receiving the surgery, so I do mind paying the costs for that.
Because you seem to approach things like this with an open mind and have generally progressive viewpoints. Yet somehow you have found the most convincing argument to not be the one made by the teachers/parents/scientists with actual experience, but with the guy talking about irrelevant national traitors and taxpayer dollars paying for surgeries, talking about how society shouldn't cater to minorities and making arguments that are word for word the same as ones against gay marriage.***

It's just strange, i have no reason to believe you haven't approached this with an open mind, but somehow you have got the notion that this is about making people the same when it's really quite the opposite. I guess myself and others have just failed to properly voice what the movement is about, which is really celebrating diversity that hadn't previously been recognized but had always existed.

I'll learn from it because it points out a lack of persuasion in my arguments. I'll do you better next time i promise.

***Just to prove this point, i am referring to these quotes:
"Biblical concepts?" Just about every society that has ever existed in recorded history, across cultures, languages, and religions, right up through the present, has used those same concepts. Worked just fine, too."
"The problem is that you can't change societal definitions just for some people without changing them for all."
"Fine. But that doesn't mean the rest of us must change our definitions -- it is his responsibility to understand and deal with the fact that the rest of society draws lines in a different place than he does."
"Consider the rest of us "wrong" if you choose, but the minority doesn't get to set the rules"
"Individuals have the right to be different, and to have different beliefs. But it remains their individual burden to deal with the reality that they are different. It is not up to the rest of us to change our society and definitions just so that they don't feel different."

All on this page, you don't even need to substitute words. If that's the side you choose either i've read you completely wrong or i really fucked up my argument (more likely).

The arrogance in this post is breathtaking.
No, I was pointing to the logical consequences of accepting a subjective definition of gender. It's a particularly nasty example because of who Manning was, but that doesn't change the reality. Forget the traitor aspect, although the subjective standard would be fully capable of manipulation by criminals and other undesireables. If we're going to adopt the "you are what you say you are" standard of determining gender -- which is inherent in this entire discussion -- then we have to address the consequences of what that means in the real world. And the prisons to which we choose to assign people are just one of the almost innumerable ways gender distinctions matter.

As for paying for gender reassignment surgery, it's not a strawman. It already is a real world issue being argued with respect to insurance and government-provided health care.

As I see it, you are focusing on a singular aspect of this issue -- what we call little children in grade school -- and dodging the implications of that in society at large. If a child being confused about what gender he/she "feels like" is sufficient to make that child not a male or female, he/she, etc.., then either we carry that rule on past grade school, or we are teaching those children a fantasy that will be debunked as soon as they leave grade school, which won't help anyone.

Nice little rant to dodge the larger point. I did not say that you espoused those other views. I was simply pointing out that the basis for some people opposing your position is similar to the reason some of us oppose the "everyone's equal" culture in general. It is the responsibility of the individual to adjust to reality, not the other way around.

You are advocating changing the language to avoid recognition of real biological distinctions, simply to ensure that some people don't feel uncomfortable. My point is that reality can make all of us feel uncomfortable for one reason or another, including not only biological sex, but intelligence, physical attractiveness, athletic ability, etc.. Every situation where our personal desires may not match with the condition of our birth has the potential to be upsetting. But I don't believe the way to address those individual disappointments is by pretending those differences don't exist. The recognition of those differences exist is an unavoidable part of living in a functioning society.

Ok, please correct me if i am misframing any of your (or Jigo's) positions here:

I think we are fundamentally opposed on what role we view society in. It seems that you place more (but not all) of the burden on individuals to adapt to their society's social structure, while i place more (but not all) of the burden on society to adapt to its individuals as such. Jigo seems to fall somewhere in between us on this scale, and the reason i was surprised that he was "on the other side" of this point is because we hadn't debated this far out on the spectrum before.

Adapting a society to a minority always comes with costs. You have been arguing this and while i agree i hadn't really acknowledged this basic idea, so i wanted to. Therefore each question like this is in a lot of ways like a complicated cost/benefit equation, with both concrete (like $ and time) and abstract (like tradition, values and freedom) components to both sides.

On the benefit side, I seem to see more positive value in having a society accept a group by changing its traditions, while you seem to think that changing traditions is not necessary for accepting a group, merely education. This is why I see a real benefit to what teachers like Keys are doing with their terminology, and perhaps why you don't (if my speculations are right).

On the cost side we are also off in that i feel that you can make changes like this without wide sweeping legal effects. I am opposed to elective surgeries for prison populations too, which is why i view that example you gave as irrelevant. You have legal experience with this though so it makes sense for you to think about how this would affect legal arguments, and quite frankly you know that better than i so perhaps i am misguided in how far the ripples will be felt. I also view sports teams, bathrooms etc. as easily solved, mostly because i went to a college that basically dealt with and solved all of this with gendered and gender neutral bathrooms and the like, and it worked quite well once you got over the day-1 weirdness of it all.

Even if we were to agree on the cost/benefit ratio, perhaps by me convincing you of more benefit and you convincing me of more cost, i doubt we would be on the same page because i think we have fundamentally different acceptable values in mind.

The most important thing (in my opinion) is that people recognize that these people exist and are real, and you have done that. How you will refer to them is up to you. They will continue to push the redefinition of gender though, so i feel you may have to unwillingly adapt to the new language of the upcoming generations.

Please let me know if I've mischaracterized your thoughts on any of this. Trying to wrap it up so i can fully grasp and learn from your argument, and end fighting what's become my little one man war here.
I very much agree with Dave, and i actually think that if girls and boys are combined more often that it would go a long way to reduce the "rape culture" and sexism present in so many frats that we see today.

The combining of the sexes isn't the issue. Who/where/how are the issues.

Easy way to stop "rape culture" at schools/frats: 1) investigate every rape charge with city police instead of school advisory/student boards and 2) bust them for underage drinking and serving alcohol to minors. It is a high crime for parents to serve their children and their friends alcohol (which one of my friends parents who were born in Eastern Europe did every time we were over with no ill consequences), but some 20 year old trying to get a freshman girl drunk so he can throatbang her in front of his bros, on campus, every weekend, is turned a blind eye to by every school. UCF suspended a fraternity for a brutal hazing incident last year, but most schools ignore the multi-decade history of hazing, underage drinking and altered-state sex and rape that it helps foster. But then again, they might lose a "party school" ranking or two and a few dozen athletes or a few hundred student tuitions at $15k plus per year. They can't stop that gravy train.
What I dont really get is - at this young age when kids cant even do proper addition or name 10 elements form the periodic table, how exactly can they tell that although they are - say a boy on the outside feel like a person with a girls brain ? Or any other example that you can come up with ?
If you called me a purple penguin when I was a kid, I would probably have come after you with fists.

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