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Luckily for JB Bickerstaff this year, continuity should make his lineup decisions easier. There’s no experimenting who the fifth starter will be – whether it was year one in going big or last year in cycling through Caris LeVert, Dean Wade, Isaac Okoro, Cedi Osman and even Dylan Windler. Max Strus was acquired to be the guy and is being paid like a starter. LeVert was retained and is being paid like a super sixth man, a role that he seemingly settled into during the second half of last season. How Bickerstaff would juggle Ricky Rubio, balancing respect to Rubio’s accomplishments and veteran presence with the subtle signs of age and injuries catching up to him, would have been something to watch. Now, it’s uncertain if Rubio will don...

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Spotify

Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance