I am the greatest Gambler in the world. Guarnateed. Any silly poker games, or black jack just isn't doin it for me anymore. I think Marijuana will lose all effects on my brain soon enough. Im a huge pothead. Here is where I am. Not time for the kids to go to bed yet. I'm a huge everything. Prick, addict, and used to be someone with infinite tells. I could have lived a simple life with a simple girl, and been completely happy.
No longer. I will never be satisfied. I tried drinking the shit out of my head, and ive drank enough to kill a normal man. You have too prolly. Honestly F that word. You hear prolly here first. Okay so why am I typing a message to you? its funny. That is why President does just about everything. I am not going to be satisfied with anything less than what I think you deserve. I look at you as silly children who don't know what theyre doing. Im correct, because im correct. Im shady, im shifty, and I want a job from you. This is me begging you BTW. The Cavs won the title on my birthday in front of a 70 inch TV. IT is/was a smart tv, and if I had one shot in the world to show someone the happiest moment of my life, it would be bad.
IT would be bad. There is no magical recording of someone that makes them the person they are. It doesn't matter if you were drunk, or doing someone. It literally can't describe your entire being in a few second clip. Especially not ones that are staged like a TV show. I hope this message reminds you to choose hope. Obama tried, and everyone just made fun of him for that slip of the tongue. His entire legacy, and gains that were made have been erased. Don't stop reading here y'all.
I wonder just who the most powerful person on Earth is? I wonder how powerful the POTUS is really. I don't think he controls the land, air, water, or see naturally, but I know that God can. It would just take him awhile to figure it out. What if God made the devil, and all of the other angels his equal, and then he took care of the world, and watched it from space? What if he saw the other angles abusing his creations, and was powerless to stop it. One day some mothers prayer was answered, and she had a baby. Giving birth to that baby killed her, but human kind showed that baby that anything in life is possible. Even my bitch. Even her death were both overcame, and now that boy, whose entire job is to automate human kind, realized that humans will do it on their own, but that boy needs another decade long nap before I can try, or it might be three years. Don't stop reading here please.
Humanity will be fully automated, and that includes police, cars, waitresses, I can't even imagine the way you would automate yourselves technologically, but I won't adapt to the technocracy. im being arrested ant continue.