Any poker players around?

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So getting back to poker. I bought a solver and ICMizer.
Im getting there. Just won a 10$ hyper for 200$. Still something..slow steps. Started with small bankroll, so have to play small tournaments.
Love icmizer, are you playing on a site or on apps like pokerbros or whatever?
I am the greatest Gambler in the world. Guarnateed. Any silly poker games, or black jack just isn't doin it for me anymore. I think Marijuana will lose all effects on my brain soon enough. Im a huge pothead. Here is where I am. Not time for the kids to go to bed yet. I'm a huge everything. Prick, addict, and used to be someone with infinite tells. I could have lived a simple life with a simple girl, and been completely happy.

No longer. I will never be satisfied. I tried drinking the shit out of my head, and ive drank enough to kill a normal man. You have too prolly. Honestly F that word. You hear prolly here first. Okay so why am I typing a message to you? its funny. That is why President does just about everything. I am not going to be satisfied with anything less than what I think you deserve. I look at you as silly children who don't know what theyre doing. Im correct, because im correct. Im shady, im shifty, and I want a job from you. This is me begging you BTW. The Cavs won the title on my birthday in front of a 70 inch TV. IT is/was a smart tv, and if I had one shot in the world to show someone the happiest moment of my life, it would be bad.

IT would be bad. There is no magical recording of someone that makes them the person they are. It doesn't matter if you were drunk, or doing someone. It literally can't describe your entire being in a few second clip. Especially not ones that are staged like a TV show. I hope this message reminds you to choose hope. Obama tried, and everyone just made fun of him for that slip of the tongue. His entire legacy, and gains that were made have been erased. Don't stop reading here y'all.

I wonder just who the most powerful person on Earth is? I wonder how powerful the POTUS is really. I don't think he controls the land, air, water, or see naturally, but I know that God can. It would just take him awhile to figure it out. What if God made the devil, and all of the other angels his equal, and then he took care of the world, and watched it from space? What if he saw the other angles abusing his creations, and was powerless to stop it. One day some mothers prayer was answered, and she had a baby. Giving birth to that baby killed her, but human kind showed that baby that anything in life is possible. Even my bitch. Even her death were both overcame, and now that boy, whose entire job is to automate human kind, realized that humans will do it on their own, but that boy needs another decade long nap before I can try, or it might be three years. Don't stop reading here please.

Humanity will be fully automated, and that includes police, cars, waitresses, I can't even imagine the way you would automate yourselves technologically, but I won't adapt to the technocracy. im being arrested ant continue.
I am the greatest Gambler in the world. Guarnateed. Any silly poker games, or black jack just isn't doin it for me anymore. I think Marijuana will lose all effects on my brain soon enough. Im a huge pothead. Here is where I am. Not time for the kids to go to bed yet. I'm a huge everything. Prick, addict, and used to be someone with infinite tells. I could have lived a simple life with a simple girl, and been completely happy.

No longer. I will never be satisfied. I tried drinking the shit out of my head, and ive drank enough to kill a normal man. You have too prolly. Honestly F that word. You hear prolly here first. Okay so why am I typing a message to you? its funny. That is why President does just about everything. I am not going to be satisfied with anything less than what I think you deserve. I look at you as silly children who don't know what theyre doing. Im correct, because im correct. Im shady, im shifty, and I want a job from you. This is me begging you BTW. The Cavs won the title on my birthday in front of a 70 inch TV. IT is/was a smart tv, and if I had one shot in the world to show someone the happiest moment of my life, it would be bad.

IT would be bad. There is no magical recording of someone that makes them the person they are. It doesn't matter if you were drunk, or doing someone. It literally can't describe your entire being in a few second clip. Especially not ones that are staged like a TV show. I hope this message reminds you to choose hope. Obama tried, and everyone just made fun of him for that slip of the tongue. His entire legacy, and gains that were made have been erased. Don't stop reading here y'all.

I wonder just who the most powerful person on Earth is? I wonder how powerful the POTUS is really. I don't think he controls the land, air, water, or see naturally, but I know that God can. It would just take him awhile to figure it out. What if God made the devil, and all of the other angels his equal, and then he took care of the world, and watched it from space? What if he saw the other angles abusing his creations, and was powerless to stop it. One day some mothers prayer was answered, and she had a baby. Giving birth to that baby killed her, but human kind showed that baby that anything in life is possible. Even my bitch. Even her death were both overcame, and now that boy, whose entire job is to automate human kind, realized that humans will do it on their own, but that boy needs another decade long nap before I can try, or it might be three years. Don't stop reading here please.

Humanity will be fully automated, and that includes police, cars, waitresses, I can't even imagine the way you would automate yourselves technologically, but I won't adapt to the technocracy. im being arrested ant continue.
Stay safe, Mdog
To buy or not to buy

image album upload

I bought the deluxe version Casino Royale poker set.

Everything like the movie. Wonderful clay chips. Resin plaques.

I'll take a picture tomorrow when I pull it out of storage.
cant continue.
Stay safe, Mdog
I'll be great bro. I somehow need to convince someone to take me to court though. Someone has to do what President Trump wants, and steal the election from his cold dead hands, and ill do it. It will require mountains to be moved, but I want to explain how I would turn Isreal in to the greatest country in the world. Strongest military, strongest people, lethal accuracy.

First you snuggle up to big brother America, China, Japan, it doesn't matter which ones. We would trap them in impossible levels of debt, and then make it illegal for us to not be paid back. It's perfect. It's why you should stop reading, and vote Sydney Morgan Daniel Allen Rouleau right now. I will take Isreal, but I want America. Because then I won't have to crush other countries. My strategy, and mind change like the seasons.

Call in the debts of America only. Watch America's foolish leaders destroy their economy overnight, and cry as you do, but know that it's the final option. Men do what they need to. Who is the greatest general you can name? Im by far the funniest, which means im the smartest. You can Google that. Please do. America can't win anymore. You took half hearted victories from Trump, and lost day after day. I was having a blast with Corona, and it honestly allowed me to live a teenager life, which is exactly why im so funny. It freed my poisonous mind, and focused me on my only goal in life.

Not using money to keep score. I want to defeat Trump fair, and square on election day, and when I do, we will have the greatest resonance you can imagine. They have everything on record. Lets find the records. Maybe even some of your billion dollar ideas will be there to great you. The ones you didn't write down.

I will not give away my entire strategy, but I would offer Canada as a remembrance of the racial injustices done to the world. I fully believe that Mr. Trudeau couldn't turn down. We would just take what we want anyways folks, but I bet we can create peace in the middle east. It would be my first magic trick. Doing it super easy is best.

Love you Cleveland. Not being arrested now. Thankfully.
English is not my first language, so I won't even try to understand what you were trying to convey with your messages.

What the fuck man? I'm very confused. I hope you feel better, if you are unwell, but that was also very unclear to me.

Take care.
Thank you for the Messages Sir Dom, and Randolph. I am well guys. I've never been so healthy in my life, and that is in large part because of being in a hospital. The food isn't even much of a complaint lol.

Anyways what I was saying is that I would love the opportunity to repay all of the wrongs that the world has created, and I could do it very easily from a moral perspective. Even a legal one, but it would require some luck. IF Ted Cruz can run, then why coiuldn't I? The first President wasn't born an American, so if I got citizenship i see no difference.

You say why Sydney Morgan Rouleau. I know that. It's because I have no weaknesses to pray upon. I don't want money, the Presidential salary is far more than I ever though i'd see in a year, and I am a tactical warrior for God. That doesn't mean i'm a bible thumper. Until a few weeks ago, I was a pure athiest, but now I have to believe there is at least something greater than the humanity I see around me.

I want Hillary Clinton to mentor me, and I would take up the VIP role as Secretary of State, and VP. That would give me a lot of bargaining power, and would allow one person other than Hilldawg to be America's chief diplomat. Obviously she would have final say, but I would like to be able to morally guide her left hand with my right hand, and we could parlay somewhere in the middle.

I do not see that as far fetched. Then after her term is finished, I will run based on our joint record. We would legalize pot, and try to reduce the war on drugs. I'd love to see us pardon a lot of non violent criminals, and spend a very big portion of time correcting America's health. I love people, and America's captains chair is the best tool for change without many wars being waged, and making America pick a side again in another war. This time with tons of nukes! Yay.

It's close to reaching a boiling point in America now. I think some people should really get behind the Hillary Clinton, who has been VP essentially without the title, and SOS, and then she could train me on all three positions, including President. IT is essentially perfect. I will never have a more perfect opportunity with Hillary to break all of the glass ceilings. I have a Dream boys, and this little Ohian/Ontarian/Sask boy deserves his chance to feed the hungry, while i have zero baggage. Otherwise I take America by force, and nobody wants that. Least of all me. I may literally just say screw it, and do a great job in Canada instead. I may not want to give up my career at that point though.
I do, but my family is 3000km away. I am going to go back there. I wish all of you the best with the facism that is sweeping our country's. It's a terrifying time to understand what is going on out there.

Read the Hidden Hand Book he wrote it for me.
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I bought the deluxe version Casino Royale poker set.

Everything like the movie. Wonderful clay chips. Resin plaques.

I'll take a picture tomorrow when I pull it out of storage.
Well, we're waiting :D
Anyone want to have a hand history discussion? I'm starting to take some better notes can share some random hands. Here's one from last week:

First hand of a MTT, 10,000 starting stacks

Blinds are 15/30 antes 4

Hijack limps
I call to complete big blind (7h 8s)
Bb checks

Pot 118

Flop: 7d 8h 10h

I bet 60
BB min raises to 120
HJ folds

Pot 358

Turn: 7d 8h 10h As

I bet 140
BB min raises to 280
I call

Pot 918

River: 7d 8h 10h As 7c
I bet 400
BB raises to 920.

I called the raise but I'm thinking I should've 3bet to roughly 2200.
Anyone want to have a hand history discussion? I'm starting to take some better notes can share some random hands. Here's one from last week:

First hand of a MTT, 10,000 starting stacks

Blinds are 15/30 antes 4

Hijack limps
I call to complete big blind (7h 8s)
Bb checks

Pot 118

Flop: 7d 8h 10h

I bet 60
BB min raises to 120
HJ folds

Pot 358

Turn: 7d 8h 10h As

I bet 140
BB min raises to 280
I call

Pot 918

River: 7d 8h 10h As 7c
I bet 400
BB raises to 920.

I called the raise but I'm thinking I should've 3bet to roughly 2200.
You either put him on pocket 10's and fold to his raise, or you shove for as much as you want. Calling is a pretty weak play in that situation.

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-18: "Jhonkensy, Jameis, Olympics... Oh My!"

Rubber Rim Job on Spotify

Episode 3:16: "Let Kenny Cook: A Draft Night Special"