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Even if he doesn't necessarily get higher on the card or get a main title (few do), he fits a lot more with the AEW style than he does WWE. AEW fans appreciate that style more and at a certain point if you're a mid card jobber in the WWE, your role gets stagnant. New scenery could reinvigorate him? I agree his work on the mic is sub sub sub parr. But even if he gets just an uptown funk moment with Osprey, I'll mark the fugg out. If you're going to be in the mid-card and have boring matches vs being in the mid-card and having fun matches I'd choose the latter.
Bron breaker is still a stupid name. I wish they’d give him the Steiner name before they push him any further.
With all the Ricochet talk the last few days, the big fight and the storyline with Samantha leaving with him in the ambulance. Seems like a lot of work and story to just right him off tv and him to leave for AEW.
This easily could have been a 90 second squash match and then be done.
Hell of a debut for the new Howdy stable tonight. Let’s hope they build off it from here.

And I think we are well on our way to MITB Jey Uso at this point.
No Undertaker aura
No Bray/Wyatt Family aura
No Horror in general

WWE now has their horror/mystique/Sci-fi like aspect
Also, WWE's production work has been some of the best you'd ever see. Honestly can't wait for Netflix. Maybe we get some Liv Morgan soft porn. I kid, I kid.
No Undertaker aura
No Bray/Wyatt Family aura
No Horror in general

WWE now has their horror/mystique/Sci-fi like aspect

I suspect I will be in the minority on this, but the horror stuff just doesn't work and it has nothing to do with the talent of the person performing the character.

At the end of the day, WWE is still a wrestling show, and no matter how well the horror stuff is received by the live crowd, no matter who the group ends up beat down - even if its Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Roman Reigns, The Rock - eventually one or all of them have to get in the wrestling ring and actually wrestle like everybody else and that just kills the whole thing dead immediately.

That's why all of Bray Wyatt's post swampbilly cult leader stuff - The Fiend, the Firefly Funhouse stuff, the most recent version of Bray before he tragically died - all were super creative and unique characters that were being performed by a supremely talented person, never actually worked. It was an incredible character when it was only being shown in vignette form, but once he actually had to wrestle, it was the drizzling shits. And it's not because Bray can't work, because he was a perfectly acceptable worker as swamp boy Bray.

Jason Vorhees doesn't fucking take armdrags in the Friday the 13th movies, ya know? He shows up briefly, kills people really fast and then eventually gets killed quickly at the very end.

The only way to do this sort of horror stuff effectively is for them to A. literally never wrestle or B. only do cinematic matches and I don't think either one of those things are on the table.
I suspect I will be in the minority on this, but the horror stuff just doesn't work and it has nothing to do with the talent of the person performing the character.

At the end of the day, WWE is still a wrestling show, and no matter how well the horror stuff is received by the live crowd, no matter who the group ends up beat down - even if its Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Roman Reigns, The Rock - eventually one or all of them have to get in the wrestling ring and actually wrestle like everybody else and that just kills the whole thing dead immediately.

That's why all of Bray Wyatt's post swampbilly cult leader stuff - The Fiend, the Firefly Funhouse stuff, the most recent version of Bray before he tragically died - all were super creative and unique characters that were being performed by a supremely talented person, never actually worked. It was an incredible character when it was only being shown in vignette form, but once he actually had to wrestle, it was the drizzling shits. And it's not because Bray can't work, because he was a perfectly acceptable worker as swamp boy Bray.

Jason Vorhees doesn't fucking take armdrags in the Friday the 13th movies, ya know? He shows up briefly, kills people really fast and then eventually gets killed quickly at the very end.

The only way to do this sort of horror stuff effectively is for them to A. literally never wrestle or B. only do cinematic matches and I don't think either one of those things are on the table.
I understand your post from a general standpoint. Kids are still a viewer and believe in what's happening is somewhat real. It's all for entertainment. I believed Kane was the Undertaker's brother, survived a fire while killing their mother and father. It was fun time watching wrestling as a kid. Now some 8 or 9 year little Jimmy can talk about Uncle Howdy and be scared of him.

I just beg wrestling to entertain me, and they didn't miss on the Wyatt 6 debut.
I understand your post from a general standpoint. Kids are still a viewer and believe in what's happening is somewhat real. It's all for entertainment. I believed Kane was the Undertaker's brother, survived a fire while killing their mother and father. It was fun time watching wrestling as a kid. Now some 8 or 9 year little Jimmy can talk about Uncle Howdy and be scared of him.

I just beg wrestling to entertain me, and they didn't miss on the Wyatt 6 debut.

Like I said, the longer they keep the whole group out of the ring, the better off they'll be. The horror stuff works great as pretaped video packages and backstage beatdowns

It just doesn't work in the wrestling ring. Like at all. It didn't work with Bray and it certainly wouldn't work with a group of less talented guys than he was.

The original Undertaker character from the 1990s absolutely wouldn't work today either. Nor would the original Kane character. They were products of their time and got grandfathered in to different eras, but by the end of their respective runs the supernatural stuff was toned way down.

Hell, Undertaker by the end was basically a faux MMA fighter :chuckle:

Stunningly low ratings this week. Gotta imagine Forbidden Door being such a focus is a big reason why right now.

Stunningly low ratings this week. Gotta imagine Forbidden Door being such a focus is a big reason why right now.

Who would have thought taking their talent throughout the year and then their titles would make this build up terrible?

They used to regularly draw close to a 1 million not even a year ago. Khan really needs to start delegating and get some input
Great top to bottom episode of Smackdown (3 correct Mitb qualifier winners IMO in Chelsea/Melo/Andrade) ends with Jacob Fatu joining the bloodline.
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