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Game 24, Cavs v. LA Clippers; Wednesday, Feb 8th @ 7pm EST

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Sessions just earned us a 1st rounder or more tonight!!!
Jamison makes the most retarded shots
"Concussion" and "Sprain" are apparently code words for "showcase Ramon and Antawn."
Trade em while their value is high!
I love it, who's it gonna be Sessions or Jamison or maybe both.
If winning matters to JR Smith even a little, he'll go to the Clips... the Knicks are a hot mess. Hopefully the Laker scouts are taking note of this Jamison performance too. Package deal?
Not to mention Jamison is sky rocketing his value also to a contender
PS... this might be the worst officiating I've seen in years. Holy hell.
Hard to beat five players and a few zebras

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Spotify

Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance