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Sarah Palin May Not Be The Mother of the 5th Child???

Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Much appreciation and respect. 3 of my Uncles also served in the Gulf War.

Each of them though are voting for anybody other than McCain last I checked on the 4th of July.

Also, I dont know if you were in the area when Katrina or Rita hit, but being where you are, do you feel that all the hoopla that has been given to Gustav has been warranted depending on what you are experiencing right now? I have a cousin playing basketball in West Texas, and he says that he has friends all over that area and this just seems like a heavy storm or the worst rain that Ohioans might see.

Thank god it came in weak this morning, and Id rather be safe than sorry as well in regard to the evacuations and what not, but as of right now it seems overhyped and just a convenience for the MSM and RNC.

I am just out side of Houston on Trinity Bay, Beaumont is 30 minutes to the sout east of us by highway. Rita and Katrina did a lot of damage to Beaumont, I was living in Ohio at the time so I missed it thank God. We are on the west side of this one so I do not think we are going to get much more than some wind and some rain.

We despise how the media portraits the hurricanes, it is always the WORST case in the last 1000 years. They just want to keep you glues to their channel and bring in the advertisement dollars.
So a recap.
1. Palin was a bad choice in my eyes
2.I do not care who had the 5th baby
3. I do not care that her daughter is pregnant
4.We have hurricanes in the late summer to fall months that may keep me from posting on gossip posts.
5. I like pie

The reason #2 and #3 are important to the general public, and not so much to those who are McCain uberfans is that they show character and judgement in how she handled and is handling both of these issues that normal mothers and families face as well.

Its also a strong contradiction to her Abstinence Only talk that she seems to be teaching or not teaching in her own house...

So, if you are a voter who could care less about the VP pick then good for you since you can see in the future and tell that McCain will have a perfect bill of health for his entire term that you voted for.
Sorry bro the last three days I have been pre-pairing for a hurricane and away from the computer, it happens down here on the Texas coast. Not to mention yesterday I spent with my family on the bay grilling.

Good Luck, Ron! Hope all goes well.

As for Palin, I won't defend that pick it is not who I would have picked.

Don't you think that it's important to be able to understand the logic of the man with his finger on the button? Let alone our economy and our military? Are these shoot from the hip tactics going to be a recurring theme?

As for having kids in Highschool. I have 2, one was born on my 17th birthday and one right before I graduated. So Im not gonna judge her daughter.

I think you miss the point of this thread. It's not judging her daughter, it's judging Sarah Palin a woman who wants to restrict the reproductive rights and the sexual education of other women. It's also about McCain's complete failure to vet Sarah Palin, as I posted proof that she was not vetted in the Obama thread. It's no secret, McCain arbitrarily chose Sarah Palin to poach Hillary/Ferraro votes. That type of irresponsibility, let alone the divisive nature of such an act, doesn't disturb you?

My kids are doing well, my family is now well over 6 didgets a year in salary

Congrats dude. You're successful. I also have 2 children, and I am not and never have been married. One from a previous relationship and one infant with my current fiance.

so I do not see how her daughter or grandchild will be effected in a negative light.

She won't be, Sarah Palin has 3 houses.

Now if you want to argue the morals about her daughter having sex before she is married then you better make damn sure you waited/wait. Me personally I have three teens now, do I think they are having sex, no but I could be wrong.

Personally, I could care less if she's having premarital sex; however, the point is, is that political pundits ranging from Dobson to Hannity applauded Palin as the up and coming conservative. She was the epitome of conservative values. Now Palin needs to explain why her abstinence-only program in Wasilla didn't prevent her own daughter from getting pregnant, possibly twice.

To me it is just gossip honestly the only real news out of all of this is her daughter is pregnant.

No. The real news out of this is that McCain did not put his Country First on the night of Obama's acceptance speech. Instead, he felt so threatened by the outpouring of support from 84,000 people that he chose to make a rash and undisciplined move. He chose a complete stranger to be second-in-line to the Presidency. Considering he is 72, that's pretty offense.

If you have read my posts then you know my values just do not mix with Obama or the democrats,

I have tried to look back and see what you've written to illustrate why you couldn't vote for Obama, but I haven't found anything. If you could summarize why you are so adamantly opposed to Obama, I'd appreciate it.

Im not here to change anyones vote.

Well.. I have to confess. I am. But I always am, even when I don't think I am. It's the most important decision of the decade. Do we continue on the path that Bush has laid out, or do we follow a new more progressive path. I choose to help Obama get elected because I've chosen to follow a new path, and leave Bsuh and the neocons behind.

Just trying to keep the topics fair.

I would hope while doing so, you could open yourself to new ideas. Have you fully considered the possibility that you may be voting for the wrong person? Think about it.

I served my country so you would have the right to vote, so sorry if I come off a little crass.

Your service is most appreciated. But I would think you would want a President who would keep others serving, like my friends and family, out of harms way whenever possible. Not wage wars against phantom enemies for hegemonic reasons.

So a recap.
1. Palin was a bad choice in my eyes
2.I do not care who had the 5th baby
3. I do not care that her daughter is pregnant
4.We have hurricanes in the late summer to fall months that may keep me from posting on gossip posts.
5. I like pie

So why vote for McCain over Obama? I just don't get it. If your not socially conservative, then it really doesn't make sense. Explain, please.
I worked in the mortgage while I lived in Ohio, my mom is the VP of ecommerce for a chain of banks down here in Texas. I do understand how the system works, so well I left. That industry is more corrupt than the car business. :eek:

Yea, I started out at 19 as a Loan Officer for Ohio Savings Bank (before they totally shifted to AmTrust). Years after that, I worked as a mortgage broker for National City Bank. I'm hip to how mortgages and loans work; however, I've never personally dealt with a mortgage exceeding $2M. Certainly not one over $4!
In Wasilla, Pregnancy Was No Secret
By Nathan Thornburgh/WASILLA

So his name is Levi.

That's about the only thing that I didn't know about Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The rest of the details I picked up almost without trying, while talking about other things with townsfolk — some who know the governor and her family well, some who don't. It was, more or less, an open secret. And everyone was saying the same thing: the governor's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, the father is her boyfriend, and it's really nobody's business beyond that.

I happen to agree.

This tiny town wedged in between the Chugach and Talkeetna mountain ranges has intrigued the whole country since John McCain's surprise Friday announcement that Wasilla's favorite daughter, Sarah Palin, would be his running mate. Sure, some of the interest was a prelude to attacks on Palin's readiness for national office. But Wasilla also offered a welcome chance to get specific about the geography of a politician. It's one of our most cherished myths, that a leader can come from somewhere and you can guess at their qualities not just by what they say, but where they live.

Well, here's the deal: small towns have their own value systems, and in this situation those values are more a lot more valid than the dispassionate, pushy inquisitiveness that political journalism encourages.

I just got off the phone with a longtime Wasilla resident. She had urged me to find time today to go up to Hatcher Pass—"the most beautiful place in the valley!"—when I mentioned that the story on Bristol's baby is now national news. Her voice slowed. "Oh," she said. "I'm so sorry. That's so unfair."

Wasilla seems at times to be utterly without guile. It's a large part of the town's charm, and it's exactly the quality that could make an unorthodox pick like Palin pay off. Don't get me wrong — she's a tough politician with sharp enough elbows on her own. But still, she appears to be more steeped in the values of her hometown than any politician I've ever come across.

Maybe that means Palin is a little too much Northern Exposure for America—after all, her father's good friend Curt Menard happily showed me a picture of the governor as a high schooler in 1981, in a root cellar with family and friends, helping skin and cube and cure a whole moose. It's enough to make you almost miss fake hunters like John Kerry and Mitt Romney.

People in Wasilla are Alaskan tough, so not only does a thing like teen pregnancy not seem like anyone's damn business, but it's also not seen as the calamity so many people in the lower 48 might think it is. This is dangerous country — it's not just the roughneck jobs on cable reality shows. It's real life here. I listened to the absolutely heartbreaking story of how the godfather of Track Palin, Sarah's oldest son, died in small plane crash just minutes after having dropped off four kids. Another family invited me into their home and told their incredible story; with one son in Iraq, their other son was working on a conveyor line in Anchorage, got caught in the belt and had his head partially crushed. He lived to stand across the kitchen table from me and his parents, looking fully healed just three months later, grinning at his dumb luck and wondering what comes next in life. "It makes you realize that a thing like a little teenage pregnancy isn't such a big deal," his mom said. "Bristol—and lots of other girl like her out there — are going to be just fine."

If you haven't guessed yet, the people here are genuinely friendly. Even those in Palin's inner sanctum who have been told since Friday not to talk to reporters by McCain's media team, are almost apologetic that they can't be neighborly and chat, since you came all this way to little Wasilla. And those who can talk, do. All weekend they had the decency not to pretend that they didn't know the governor's eldest daughter was pregnant. But they also expected decency in return, that I wouldn't be the kind of person to make sport out of a young girl's slip.

The fact is, regardless of what you will hear over the next few days, Bristol's pregnancy is not a legitimate political issue. Sarah Palin is a longterm member of a group called Feminists for Life, which is not opposed to birth control. So you probably can't tag her for consigning young people to unwanted pregnancies.

You can argue that it was hamhanded of the McCain campaign—they had to have known, right? — to somehow let this drop just a few days after the announcement. Pregnancy does show, and it does have a ticking clock. The story was going to come out eventually.

As for the idea — sure to be floated—that the avowedly anti-abortion Palin may have pressured her poor daughter to ruin her life by carrying an unwanted baby to term, I wouldn't bet on it. The Palin family seems to share the same pro-life values going back at least as far back as anyone here can remember, and it wouldn't be at all surprising if Bristol wore those values, however imperfectly, as her own. At least, that's what the town thinks. And Wasilla, above all, is pretty sensible.

I worked in the mortgage while I lived in Ohio, my mom is the VP of ecommerce for a chain of banks down here in Texas. I do understand how the system works, so well I left. That industry is more corrupt than the car business. :eek:

you are talking at the lower levels than a 4 million dollar home or even a 2 million dollar mortgage. Different players, not nearly as currept. Sub prime, borkers, etc....all of the now famous players that made my industry so corrupt never played in that market. Its like comparing the experience of buying a kia to the experience of being qualified and trying to buy a Bently....but even more so. Completely different clients, different loan officers, different investors and different motivation for the investors.
LOL.. Funniest shit I ever read.

The fact is, regardless of what you will hear over the next few days, Bristol's pregnancy is not a legitimate political issue. Sarah Palin is a longterm member of a group called Feminists for Life, which is not opposed to birth control. So you probably can't tag her for consigning young people to unwanted pregnancies.


Palin's 2006 AK governor questionnaire:

Question:"Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?"

Palin's response: "Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support"

You can argue that it was hamhanded of the McCain campaign—they had to have known, right? — to somehow let this drop just a few days after the announcement. Pregnancy does show, and it does have a ticking clock. The story was going to come out eventually.

Yep.. and so it has.. Now lets give her a warm goodbye on her way back to shit-burg Wasilla.

As for the idea — sure to be floated—that the avowedly anti-abortion Palin may have pressured her poor daughter to ruin her life by carrying an unwanted baby to term, I wouldn't bet on it.

No? Why not?

The Palin family seems to share the same pro-life values going back at least as far back as anyone here can remember, and it wouldn't be at all surprising if Bristol wore those values, however imperfectly, as her own.

ROFLMAO!!! WHAT? The same Bristol that got caught getting done up by a dude named Levi, while supposedly home sick with Mono while daddy was downstairs?!? WTF? :chuckles:

At least, that's what the town thinks. And Wasilla, above all, is pretty sensible.

Yea, thats why in a town of ~6000 people, 909 of them voted for Sarah Palin a few years ago. Our next President of the United States, from WASILLA, ALASKA ---- SAAAAARAAAH PAAAAAALIIIINNNN..... no thanks.. :chuckles:


Though the original rumors were pretty crazy, it's kinda funny that right afterward we here about here 17 being pregnant.

My biggest problem with Palin is her stance on creation in schools and her "experience".
The argument is that she's wearing a rig, because just a few weeks ago she was VERY thin. Remember, when she announced, the photos show her absolutely not showing. She was 7 and a half months at that time. And she says that Trig was at least 1 month premature. So within the 2-4 weeks of her announcement and her supposed birth, she would've went from being rather thin and running daily, to this.

As I said previously, this picture is not new and does not settle the question.

EDIT: You're also ignoring the secondary argument that, even if Trig is Sarah Palin's 5th child, she was grossly negligent in his delivery because she traveled 22 hours after he water broke on a commercial jet instead of either getting immediate care in Austin, Texas or even delivering in Seattle, Washington. She also drove past the major hospital that had an NICU in Anchorage to get to Mat-Su which has no record of her being there and no record of the baby being born. However, two other children were born that day and are listed on the website, but not the Governor's baby. Hmph.
Oh the hypocrisy... imagine if Obama had a 17-year-old daughter that was found to be pregnant. The world would be ending for these same evangelicals that are now conveniently supporting their pro-life heroine :rolleyes:


Is it November yet so all of this can just end???

If Obama was in this situation, they would be getting fired up about getting abstinence only sex-ed in schools because of problems with teen pregnancy.
Gour, Obama seems pretty offended by this whole thing and has made it more than clear that he doesn't want anyone affiliated with his campaign stoking this story. As one of his volunteers, why not honor his wish?

At a press avail in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama on Palin: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before, and I will repeat again: People's families are off-limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."
Gour, Obama seems pretty offended by this whole thing and has made it more than clear that he doesn't want anyone affiliated with his campaign stoking this story. As one of his volunteers, why not honor his wish?

I've been wrestling with that. And quite frankly, I just might leave the BabyGate drama alone. I've voiced my opinion, and I cannot prove anything - all I can do is speculate. To me, the evidence begs for questions that simply will not be answered by Sarah Palin or the McCain campaign. Is Trig Palin Sarah's child? I don't know anymore. On Friday, I had no reason to believe otherwise. But today, I find the possibility that Trig is Bristol's child teetering on the edge of the probable rather than the plausible.

I remember when Obama told all his volunteers to lay off after exposing Clinton's "35 years of experience" as a sham, all the while she was hammering him here in Ohio. Enclosed is a graph which can more illustratively demonstrate my point, rather than another 5 paragraph essay from yours truly:


(The graph shows the amount of negative ad revenue leveed against either Obama, Clinton, or McCain, respectively. The bars are color coded for each candidate and represent the amount either candidate spent attacking the other. Obama spent the least amount of money among all three candidates on negative advertising by a factor of 10).

What we see here is that during the primaries, Obama clearly did not advertise negatively against Clinton (at least not anywhere near what the other candidates were doing) and instead ran an almost 100% positive campaign. What we see on the reverse is Clinton focusing more of her personal energy and campaign revenue in the months of February (after Obama won 11 contests in a row), March, and April accusing Obama of being unpatriotic, out-of-touch, an elitist, and insinuating he was a Muslim. At the last debate, Clinton even brought up Rev. Wright and William Ayers, repeatedly!

So, long story short, Obama is a new kind of politics and I come from an old kind of politics. As I've said in other threads, I started campaigning for McCain in 2000, and switched to George Bush after the primary. In '04 I was for Dean, and I never canvassed or phone banked for Kerry, as I felt Dean was robbed (how ironic), although I ultimately voted Democratic (Kerry got robbed!). If there is one thing that I wish rubbed off of Clinton just a little, was her ruthlessness. Clinton would do whatever it took to get elected, no matter who it offended, it was scorched earth.

I wish maybe 5% of that rubbed off on Obama, because sometimes I feel he's too soft on his opponents. He needs to realize what Clinton realized, these people are not your friends, stop acting like they are.

Or maybe I'm wrong, and that's Washington's biggest problem, that people don't trust each other so nothing gets done. I think Obama is currently on a path to victory. After crunching the numbers I see very little chance that McCain can hold enough of the Bush states to maintain his needed 270 electoral votes, especially with Obama only needing 269 (IA,NM,NV). So to finally answer your question "shouldn't I leave this alone," I guess the answer is that I just might, but not yet. Give it a few days.

For someone who didn't want to discuss or get into trashing the personsal lives, such as how Obama received a rate below prime on is super super jumbo mortgage, you sure put a lot of work into this "baby gate"

Come on now.... are you telling me you never to got a deal in your life????Like, for the past 4 years i only paid $15/visit to get my oil changed,check for leaks, fill up brake, steering fluids. ( reg. price $49.99). I can have a free car detailing every 6 weeks. All this because i have been good to my car dealer and brought him many customers over the years.

I have went to bars got free drinks....Its life people show gratitude.

Oh the hypocrisy... imagine if Obama had a 17-year-old daughter that was found to be pregnant. The world would be ending for these same evangelicals that are now conveniently supporting their pro-life heroine :rolleyes:


Is it November yet so all of this can just end???

Also, i don't agree with the whole why does it matter if her daughter is pregnant. Its a big issue...

If McCain is elected and if they end up with a majority who do you think they are going to appoint on the supreme court? Then Abortion might be made illegal and you will have all these unwanted babies that families cannot afford to have.

They are also telling the young teenagers its okay to go out and have sex without protection. Then in a few years teen pregnancy and STD's will be on the rise.

P.S: i thought you weren't suppose to drink during pregnancy?


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