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2012 NBA Playoffs!

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Boston only scored 32 points in 29 minutes in the second half and overtime.

I said before the series and obviously I was proven wrong, but I still don't think the Celtics can score enough points. Of course if the Heat play no defense for the first half of every game from here on out, and the Celtics score 55+ in the first half, they will be okay. It just seems that when the Heat want to play defense they can beat the Celtics. If the Heat play the level of defense they are capable of playing for a full game, then I still think Boston can't score enough points, but the Heat have only played one game where they played defense in the first half. Game 1.

Maybe they cannot play the level of defense (too much energy to expend) for 48 minutes so they coast in the first half?
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Boston only scored 32 points in 29 minutes in the second half and overtime.

I said before the series and obviously I was proven wrong, but I still don't think the Celtics can score enough points. Of course if the Heat play no defense for the first half of every game from here on out, and the Celtics score 55+ in the first half, they will be okay. It just seems that when the Heat want to play defense they can beat the Celtics.

Maybe they cannot play the level of defense (too much energy to expend) for 48 minutes so they coast in the first half?

They can't effectively guard Rondo at any time.
They can't effectively guard Rondo at any time.

Rondo had 7 points and 5 assists in the 2nd half and overtime. I'd say that's at least decently effective considering how much he handles the ball. When they put someone besides Chalmers on him he doesn't seem to do nearly as much damage.
For all of the hate on the Cavs inability to beat the Celtics when Lebron was with Cleveland, the Heat can barely beat this Celtics team and they are nowhere as good as the Celtics team Cleveland faced. Pierce, KG, Allen older, no Glen Davis, no Perkins.
Don't include Glen Davis in that. Bass is way, way better than Glen Davis.
if they had bradley, id say boston takes this

without him, heat will win in 7
Bosh is reportedly coming back for game 5. That will play a very big role in this series.

Bosh could be rusty, he could mess up the offensive flow (though the Heat don't have the same flow they did vs. the Pacers anyways), or he could be very effective and really change the series. Either way it's a huge factor if he does play and likely will decide the series.

If you told the Heat that they would be in a three game series vs. the Celtics, and that their chances of winning the series depended on whether Bosh played well or not, would they want to have that be the main factor?
If Bosh Spice is really coming back, Miami is more desperate than I thought.
Wait.. Bosh back for game 5?

Boston in 6.
At least the Heat can take comfort that LeBron has faced the Celtics at home in a crucial Game 5 before.
Upon further review, Miami's supporting cast played pretty decently. Combined to have a TS% over 50, almost a 2-1 assist to turnover, and Haslem had 17 boards in 36 minutes. I thought stars were supposed to win road games, and role players help more in home games.

Also, #6 is averaging almost 42 minutes a game in playoffs, and over 43 and a half since the NY series. Wade is at about 40 a game since NY. At least 2 more bloodbaths with boston. If they were mentally tough, that might not matter.
Win or lose, I'm just happy it'll take the Heat at least 6 games to beat the Celtics in an incredibly hard fought series heading to the Finals. I would LOVE to see the Celtics win, but considering the big deal that's been made about LeBron and Wade's minutes ever since the Indiana series, I'd be equally happy to see this go 7 games and neither of them getting hardly any rest from this point on, and getting little time to recover for the Finals. If James was gassed last year heading into the Finals, I can't even imagine what he'll be like this year with so little time off between games and pretty much being on the court at all times. With Wade playing somewhat injured and Bosh coming back from an injury when the team has played so differently without him, the Thunder or Spurs will both have even more of an upper hand in the Finals.
Win or lose, I'm just happy it'll take the Heat at least 6 games to beat the Celtics in an incredibly hard fought series heading to the Finals. I would LOVE to see the Celtics win, but considering the big deal that's been made about LeBron and Wade's minutes ever since the Indiana series, I'd be equally happy to see this go 7 games and neither of them getting hardly any rest from this point on, and getting little time to recover for the Finals. If James was gassed last year heading into the Finals, I can't even imagine what he'll be like this year with so little time off between games and pretty much being on the court at all times. With Wade playing somewhat injured and Bosh coming back from an injury when the team has played so differently without him, the Thunder or Spurs will both have even more of an upper hand in the Finals.

That is a dilemma. On one hand, losing the Celtics AARP squad would be hilarious. OTOH, a tired #6 getting swept in ugly fashion in the biggest stage would prolong his agony.
Yea I'm not sure why the media is playing up this "LeBron isn't getting any help angle" so much. I mean, LeBron has been great, but man he's had help these last two games. Haslem has been great, and Chalmers has been playing surprisingly well. The role players are helping.
Yea I'm not sure why the media is playing up this "LeBron isn't getting any help angle" so much. I mean, LeBron has been great, but man he's had help these last two games. Haslem has been great, and Chalmers has been playing surprisingly well. The role players are helping.

Yeah but Wade has been AWOL in the last two first halfs as the Celtics built huge leads. Its not a coincidence that the Heat have mounted comebacks ONLY when Wade got it going too.

Besides the only time i remember the media making the "no help" issue a major talking point was in the Indiana series after Bosh was hurt and Wade had that all time low game 3.

*Maybe you've seen something since then *shrug*-
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