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Cincinnati Bengals @ Cleveland Browns: Sunday, September 11, 2011

Do Not Sell My Personal Information
As a Bengals fan, it's frustrating to see the "Devastating loss to THEE Bengals" posts. Bengals and Browns fans should be familiar with this by now. We will lose to you on our home field later on in the season, and the cycle will continue next year. The Bengals are garbage, we will always be garbage...but football is fun to watch so man...the...fuck...up. Stop acting like either team is good, or even embarrassed by losing to one another. Let's keep the delusion to the political threads.

Yeah we are pretty embarrassed. And no one really gives a shit what you think.
Now come on, really? This is why nobody likes Steelers fans. They don't respect fans of the opposing teams.

I respect other fans, but he comes on a clevleand fan message board, tells us how to feel, and throws a subtle jab that we are going to suck next year too.
I respect other fans, but he comes on a clevleand fan message board, tells us how to feel, and throws a subtle jab that we are going to suck next year too.

Can't blame him for being a Cavs/Bengals fan...

It's not like Cincitucky has an NBA team.

Of course, neither does Cleveland at this point.
The worst is when they show Steeler games and zoom the camera into the stands. So many hill-jack cole miners and obese women waving towells.
I respect other fans, but he comes on a clevleand fan message board, tells us how to feel, and throws a subtle jab that we are going to suck next year too.

We are all here for one purpose. Cavaliers basketball.
We are all here for one purpose. Cavaliers basketball.

True. Thing is the season might not even happen. And odds are that if it does happen, it will be delayed. So until then, its going to be mostly Browns talk. So expect complaing to be at a premium. Even the optimists on this board know the Cavs are going to be friggin terrible this season. It's different with football. More positions to discuss, coaches get critcized more, more agendas.....you know how it is.
I'd love to see b00bie and Doug meet in real life. There would be an instant war.

Anyways.... I haven't read this whole thread, so correct me if I am wrong.... It seems like I have seen quite a few posts about people bitching about other people bitching we lost. :chuckles: The same posts say it shouldn't affect you at all etc.... I don't know how far these people that are "bitching" have gone, but are you really telling people they shouldn't be mad?

So if they win, it shouldn't affect you either, right? You can't be happy if they win then. You are just supposed to sit there and watch the game with no emotion. That sounds fun.

As far as all the excuse making for the Browns goes..... Please..... Shut up already. The Browns suck. They have sucked for 12 years now. How long will it take to accept that? I am so sick of hearing the same damn excuses every season.

The list has been the same for 12 years now....

1. We are are young developing team. We will improve. You have no patience.
2. New coach.
3. New system.
4. New regime.
5. Officiating lost it for us
6. We are just a few pieces away

Same damn excuses every year.
No need for hostility. I said the bengals will be terrible, but the browns probably will be too. It's not like the browns have had a good record against the bengals for the last decade. I think you can be passionate and realistic about your team at the same time.
I stopped reading after page 60.

Purely hypothetical question. Let's say the Bengals end up 10-6, 11-7 this season, and end up being one of the teams to beat.

Do we stop going crazy over this one loss? Fuck, the Browns made some mistakes, but it was week 1. I'm a "new Browns" fan since I never really followed football.

This is your friend if you choose

The list has been the same for 12 years now....

1. We are are young developing team. We will improve. You have no patience.
2. New coach.
3. New system.
4. New regime.
5. Officiating lost it for us
6. We are just a few pieces away

Same damn excuses every year.

You forgot:

7. The cupboards are bare
8. We aren't trying to compete this year.

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Spotify

Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance