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Diet and Workout Routines

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Agreed.. That's how it was when I was younger.. I had low bf% so whenever I cut my muscle mass would regress towards what I thought was a more natural, leaner build; therefore I was losing my gains. Now however, my bf% is so high, that it's coming off like melting butter, but I still do feel like I'm losing a great deal of strength.. That's why I'm trying to finish my cutting phase by March 16th.. No later. No matter what. This catabolism has me weak as a kitten (relatively speaking).

muscle memory, youll pick that strength up so quick its not even worth worrying about.. fat comes and goes, muscle is hard to gain and hard to (really,really) lose.

napsgear.net for steroids. if ya want.
Really, if you want strength and to retain muscle, then the best method is a strength program like Starting Strength, Practical Programming, etc. Full body workout three times a week, each workout only consists of three lifts, takes an hour. Linear progression each workout, etc etc.

I'm sorry but anything with low weight, high reps like P90X doesn't build "strength" effectively in any sense of the word. Strength is built in the high weight, low rep range, and that is a fact.

You better look hot as shit in your jean shorts talking this much shit. Especially from Akron.
No I look fat as shit right now actually

i doubt my jorts even fit

Doesn't change the fact that I'm right.
Yeah? I do chin-ups (facing knuckles) with my tricep work.. But honestly, I rarely do pull-ups (facing fingertips).. Perhaps my terminology is incorrect?

Chin-ups: palms facing you
pull-ups: palms away from you

(So, yes, looks like you described them backwards.)
Chin-ups: palms facing you
pull-ups: palms away from you

(So, yes, looks like you described them backwards.)

Yes thanks.. I do them with palms away from me...
I am doing P90x right now and I am in the best shape of my life. Never had Abs and do now. I lost some weight but I don't feel I lost any muscle mass (drink protein shake after each workout). You can tailor the weight work to be muscle building or toning by changing the amount of reps and weight. Tony, as annoying as he gets, always talks about picking the right weight for your goals. Plyometrics is an ass kicker and yoga is challenging but its a good combo. But there are weights/resistance 3 times a week....lots of pullups, situps, and pushups.
Good looking out.. But God Damn bro.. you did all that shit in one day?

Sure did. The heavy day usually took like 65-70 minutes to complete. The lighter days usually took 45-50 minutes.
I'm in college...adds a degree of difficulty for losing fat.

Anyway, if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm 6'7, 255lbs...used to be a pretty solid basketball player. I don't "suck" now, but I'm only able to play at a relatively high level for about a quarter.

I haven't measured my BF% in a while. I know that it was at 9% in seventh grade, 6% in eighth grade, 18% winter of my senior year (I was also 272 lbs) and down to 10.5% early spring into summer '11.

Any helpful routines would be greatly appreciated.
I'm in college...adds a degree of difficulty for losing fat.

Anyway, if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm 6'7, 255lbs...used to be a pretty solid basketball player. I don't "suck" now, but I'm only able to play at a relatively high level for about a quarter.

I haven't measured my BF% in a while. I know that it was at 9% in seventh grade, 6% in eighth grade, 18% winter of my senior year (I was also 272 lbs) and down to 10.5% early spring into summer '11.

Any helpful routines would be greatly appreciated.

Strength training is IMO the best way to lose weight. Gain strength, lose weight, not a whole lot of time investment. You don't get that with a lot of routines.

Check out Practical Programming or Stronglifts.
I have to disagree with those that say you can't add muscle and lose fat at the same time. It's all about diet and cardio. If you have a diet that's high in protein and low in cals (eating lots of chicken and white meat fish") you can certainly add muscle and lose fat, albeit the gains won't be as dramatic as you'd like. Cardio is important to adding strength. It plays a major role in recovery because it gets the blood pumping which is what delivers nutrients and vitamins to the muscles. Just don't overdo it.
Heres a spoonfed step by step guide to lose weight (ive lost 25 lbs in the last 3 months)

1. Calculate your BMR. (base metabolic rate). This is the amount of calories you would need to consume to maintain your current weight, if you were in a coma.

2. Calculate your daily activities x your BMR. If you live a pretty sedentary life, you still multiply your BMR by 1.2. Barely active, 1.4 and so on up the sliding scale.

3. Take this number (mine is 2450) and subtract 1000 calories. This is the amount of net calories you need to put in you to lose 2 lbs of fat a week. The most you can lose without sacrificing muscle is 2.2 lbs. There are 3500 calories in 1 lb of fat. 1000 calorie deficit x 7 days = 7000 calories, = 2 lbs a week, 8 lbs a month.

This is how I personally go about it: I need to go to the gym everyday because it makes me mentally and emotionally feel my best and because I frankly just cant run for more than 30 minutes straight without going out of my mind with boredom/add whatever you want to call it. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical 7 days a week. well call it 300 calories burned off (even though its more). I set myself tha fuck up with my tablet and an episode of breaking bad ready to go every workout. Sometimes I will go longer; yesterday I did an hour and a half, but thats uncommon. that means i can eat 1750 calories a day, burn off 300 to get me to 1450, putting me at a 1000 cal deficit for the day and lose 2 lbs a week.

As far as eating goes... I get bored of food VERY very quickly..A meal has about a 3 week period with me before Im fucking sick of it. Here are some tips:

I personally wait as long as I can to eat my first meal (contrary to popular opinion about breakfast) because as soon as I eat my first meal, I start getting hungrier quicker. Zone bars are AWESOME. Theyre a dollar a pop, 200 calories and 15g of protein. Plus, the fudge grahams are amazing. Ive eaten every protein bar in existence, this is the best.. Ive had at least one a day for 4 months. Salads with tomato and mushroom are great snack meals when youre hungry but you dont want any calories. (GREEN veggies are as good as ZERO calories because every gram of fiber knocks of 4 calories. READ YOUR LABELS!!)

Protein shakes to keep your protein up. Eat as much protein as you can. <1.00$ a meal

Look for special wraps... when I was in cleveland a couple weeks ago, i noticed a fiber one wrap. I think theyre like 50calories after fiber is taken into consideration. In socal, we have tortillas and its a bit trickier but I found a good one with only 30 cal overall output. These are your new sandwiches. Ham is great. Find american cheese with protein in it; about half dont have any. Light miracle whip.. tastes exactly like mayo to me. GROUND TURKEY BREAST. tastes amazing and is easy to make for the week. put it in tupperware and then a wrap and youve got a 220 calorie meal ready to go every day for the week. about 1.50$ a meal.

ALWAYS. DRINK. DIET SODA. why the fuck would you drink your calories???? Water is also good, if you put Mio in it especially..

2 full eggs. 4 egg whites. scrambled wtih 50 cal of shredded chedder. best eggs youll ever eat; 250 or so calories and 35 grams of protein. very filling. 1.50$ a meal.

Subway has good stuff if youre looking for meals, but you have to do it the right way. Never get cheese, get VINEGAR and if you have the willpower, go home to put your light miracle whip on it. Tell them to scoop out some of the bread and youve got 2 300 calorie meals. Those egg omelettes are incredible too.. the EGG WHITE only. no cheese, add lettuce green pepper onion, your own light miracle whip, tomato and salt and pepper. again, two meals at 350 or so calories a pop for 2.50$

Spinach is awesome. Buy a pack, eat 1 a day. 100 calories, with light butter substitute included. 1$ a pop.

apples... theyre mobile and fiber brings down the calories to barely anything noticable. bag for 3$

fit as much protein into your meals as possible. Dont want to lose your muscle, although thats pretty hard to do (in a permanent sense.. it comes back).

I personally do better eating as many small meals a day as I can. Not because it 'speeds up your metabolism' because frankly it doesnt. (also, any o.g. bodybuilders that would like to debate that, my personal opinion is that most nutritional science is horseshit and poplular opinion for a few years until its completely debunked. Glutamine is horse shit for the most part, zma is horse shit, the notion that anyone, regardless of if theyre Rocky Maivia or eric the midget can only digest 35 grams of protein per hour or whatever the number is is just insane). the reason for all the small meals is because theres less opportunity for overeating..i know exactly when Im hungry and I know exactly how many calories I need to fill me up. this is my own personal belief and im not sure its 100 percent accurate, but I feel like whether I eat 500 calories or 220, im going to be hungry in two to 3 hours.

just keep to the basics; try to remain feeling as full as you can as long as you can, watch your protein, count your calories and lose your weight. Also, have a cheat meal or two a week (i go pretty hard with 1500 calorie california burritos with everything you can imagine inside of them, as big as your arm) but remember that if you go crazy crazy with them, its going to ruin the work you did the rest of the week. Luckily with this meal plan, it shrinks your stomach to where these cheat meals will make you full for the majority of the day and you really come pretty close to your daily goal of 1000 calorie deficit anyways. And, if you go stupid for a day or so, just pick it up in the gym to even it out.

For drinkers, stay with clear booze.. and actually makers mark is the lowest calorie to abv ratio there is.. that and everclear.

happy nutritioning :)
I'm in college...adds a degree of difficulty for losing fat.

Anyway, if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm 6'7, 255lbs...used to be a pretty solid basketball player. I don't "suck" now, but I'm only able to play at a relatively high level for about a quarter.

I haven't measured my BF% in a while. I know that it was at 9% in seventh grade, 6% in eighth grade, 18% winter of my senior year (I was also 272 lbs) and down to 10.5% early spring into summer '11.

Any helpful routines would be greatly appreciated.

Look into body of fire by chad waterbury I believe.. its a mix of strength and cardio and will definitely kick your ass
I've been using JEFIT for a while now and I'm pretty damn happy with it. It also helps that it works with an Android or iPhone (as well as an ordinary PC) to follow and track your progress on a routine. I'd suggest to go here: http://www.jefit.com/routines/?sort=2 , and find a bulking routine. I started using a "simple beginner plan" under bulking and beginner. Do not shy away from the beginner plan (based off of http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=4195843 ). If you are looking at it in the sense that it's a beginner plan, you are looking at the whole picture incorrectly. Think of it as a place to start. For your first month doing any of these, don't worry if you make a mistake and go too low on your weights, the next month (5 weeks) you can re-adjust. Do not think you have to prove something to anyone on that first month, just do what you can to get yourself going. I'm suggesting to use bulking plans simply because - get the muscle going, you can diet later and the muscle will help with that. After a couple of months, when you start progressing the weight on your reps, go for 3 months on the least bit of carbs that you can (sugar is evil and will never help) if you need to drop some more pounds. I'm talking less than you would digest with atkins. Use ketone strips to make sure you are really going through ketosis. I lost about 60 pounds in 3 months doing this. It may seem drastic, but really it wasn't bad. Just don't start off thinking you should do work out and do some crazy extreme diet. Get yourself in some sort of shape, first! The thing is, once you get close to looking like what you want, get the hell off that diet. Don't worry about gaining it back anymore - as long as you are still doing working out, your increase in muscle will help contain any weight gain.

I am like a few of you on here, 6', wide shoulders (even when I'm lean (many people have wide shoulders just because of their weight, be true to yourself when you say this)) and far from light. If I weighed 290, you wouldn't believe it, my frame hid it well... my ideal weight is around 220. In my younger days, I didn't need to be consistent in my work-out routines as I would benefit from any kind of unorganized workout, but now, if anything, stick to a routine and be patient. Even those "secondary" muscles will grow.

For what it's worth, someone even put the p90x routine in here... albeit, it's not what the OP is looking for, but some of you reading this might be.
I know next to nothing about this kind of stuff but I just wanted to drop some knowledge that you don't necessarily need to go low-carb to lose weight. It works for most people so most programs recommend it, but as long as you keep the cals down you can eat whole-wheat carbs (reasonably) and lose weight. Doesn't mean you can pizza it up, but some oatmeal and a sandwhich isn't going to kill you. I know I can't go ultra low-crab for more than a few days before the hunger pangs set in, and I just monitored the overall intake and still lost weight.

Question - for losing fat, is it best to do 3 days weight training and 3 days cardio or all 6 days weight training? Don't really care about losing muscle, but I know that lifting weights is supposed to burn more cals overall.
depends how you lift? if you are following a tradition strength programme that is essentiall body building then it wont shred the fat as much. If you strap on a heart monitor and try and keep you pulse up, use super sets to allow each range of motion to recover while you use the others. Then 15 mins cardio cool down you'll burn more than just striahgt cardio

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