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Madden Covers with any players

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Your Writer’s Favorite Writer
Staff member
Jan 16, 2006
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If anyone would like a customized Madden 2008 cover for XBOX 360, I can make it happen... Just tell me what player and I'll have it up in this thread within a few mintues...
Hahah, could you do one for Thomas Clayton? he plays for the 49ers.
Hahah, could you do one for Thomas Clayton? he plays for the 49ers.

Damn you, now I have to do a cut... :chuckles:

Yea it'll take me like 15 minutes to do a cut and I'll get it up..
Here ya go James, you're lucky I find a HQ picture:

damn, im surprised there was one for him. thanks man!
Matt Wilhelm, Chargers:cool:
Just a question, what tool do you use to cut out images?

If you aren't using the pen, you should. You get crisp clean edges using the pen tool instead of erasing or using the magic wand.
Ethan Albright please?

Are you serious?

Glen Infante said:
Just a question, what tool do you use to cut out images?

If you aren't using the pen, you should. You get crisp clean edges using the pen tool instead of erasing or using the magic wand.

No I don't use the Pen Tool... I know all about it and it's better than what I use, but I've tried to use it and I've been unsuccessful in doing so and I'm confused on how to use it...

All I do is get a brush and brush around the player, using a different color (say green)... Once I brush over all the areas I want to erase, I select the Magic Wand Tool and click on the 'green' area then Select Inverse > Copy > Paste... It comes out as a cut and it doesn't take much more than 15 mintues... It doesn't come out as nice but I view the Pen Tool as a pain, but because I don't know how to use it... :cool:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGVsn-X2GxI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGVsn-X2GxI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Once I make one curve I can't make any others... I picked up the path, held down ALT and clicked to make my next point (let go of ALT) but when I try to curve it it won't work...
I want one of James Harrison spiking the Browns fan.

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