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Round 2, Game 2 | Cavaliers vs. Hawks | May 8, 2009 - ESPN 8:00 PM

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Dude, come on, the bench freaking sucks tonight.

Boobie GTFO.
Does Gibson have any pride left? He can't do anything against a bunch of D-Leaguers?
Random Hawks Forums
Someone Quoted this before the 1st game:
I'm going to say this early... Atlanta is not afraid of Cleveland like the Pistons were. They think they can beat them.
This is downright sad.
83-47? Dear lord. Somebody give me a gun.
It is embarrassing that a bunch of grown men play like a bunch of pu**ies on the road.
Cleveland is better than Baston was last year
Do the Cavs have cheats on???
I wonder if Bibby is rethinking not signing with the cavs as a FA
I just got home, turned on the tv, saw the score, and immediately turned off the tv
Boobie, you played like lebron against the 6'ers starters. DO SOMETHING
announcers GUSHING over the hawks "comeback"
lol, Sure, this'll boost the Hawks, until game 3 starts. Then we'll get another 20+ lead and beat the hell out of the Hawks.
There ya go Gibson...he needs to do a better job managing the game when we put in our bench lineups.
I hate when our super blowouts turn into just double digit "teen" blowouts to win the game.
Nice drive by Sasha. Nifty move.

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Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

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