Must Read For New Posters: Posting Etiquette

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Re: Posting Etiquette

The quality is going down yes, but on a positive note, the forum has never been this active during this time of year. It's kinda refreshing from an owner's standpoint.

People come, people go, it's a good thing we have a welcoming community where people just feel at ease to even post a new thread. A couple years ago we were dying for this kind of activity. Now that we have it, it looks like we are having a tough time dealing with it.

My suggestion? Just continue to do what we do best. Provide great conversation, and let the new people in on it too. If someone creates a new thread in the wrong forum, move it, if someone's quality isn't up to standards PM him/her and let them know what's up.

Pretty simple.
Re: Posting Etiquette

Hmm... didn't there use to be a terms of service or rules of conduct page?

I remember when I joined one of the more appealing things about the board was a requirement to actually post in semi-grammatical English and some of the other things mentioned in this thread.

Growth can be a pain. IMO the most important job of moderation is to build and sustain community. Gaining new posters at the expense of old posters is NOT a good thing.

For instance, now that "WeinerSoBig" actually makes posts on the board don't feel bad about asking him to accept another board name (on a strict board they would just perma-ban him). That name reflects not just badly on him, but also on the board as a whole. Protect what you've got and don't be shy about it.
Re: Posting Etiquette

Meh, I'm with xsabre here. I really did nothing to contribute to this glorious site. I think I'll just browse, give thanks and never to venture through the quick reply box again. What I have to say might have been already said by another poster.

If there are some cases like "YAY BRAND IS A CAV!" or some "misguided" Sucks fan, I'll do my duties as a Real Cavs Fan. :thumbup:
Re: Posting Etiquette

Please keep NBA signings in the NBA section.
Re: Posting Etiquette

I will say this and maybe it is just a personal dislike but I hate misleading thread titles ending with a question mark.



It is pretty childish to do stuff to get people to read your thread. Be a grown up and have the true gist of the article in the title.

And for godsakes understand context and realize when a sportswriter is speculating.
Re: Posting Etiquette

The growth of the site has crossed into inorganic territory. Must use strike-suspend-ban sequence more often. Debate state-runnerup JonfromVA nailed it. Merely looking at short-term performance is strangling the goose to get it to lay another golden egg. Careful you don't kill it...

That being said - congratulations on your site's success and growth. Whatever you have to do to keep the good posters around is ALL that's important. The rest will take care of itself, in an organic way. Sucks to see Maximus wasting his time defending Ferry, or W&G getting grilled...

Have a Happy Independence Day!
Re: Posting Etiquette

Hey guys, first post here.

I have been lurking for about 3-4 weeks now, and I can attest to the downward spiral for the quality of posts. I stumbled on to this site from the Cavs board via MYoung23, and I was immediately hooked. Then from I'd say a couple days before the draft on, the post quality started to tumble. From threads in wrong places, just plain weak/unresearched threads, to multiple threads about the same subject all over the place, and the Baron Davis trade/Kenny Roda debacle (not anyone's fault, outisde of Roda's, but I got really excited really fast:mad:).

I would think that the forum just gets that way during draft time, because the OBR forums are the same way. Hopefully, this forum will get a little more clear & concise now that the draft is over....or it might get worse due to Free Agency.

Ya, you learn to get past the clutter. I always just look at who started the topic. If it's Smooth, Benny, W&G, or Maximus, the topic and the info is pretty legit. If it's west and gibson stay away from it because its nonsensical crap.
It appears to me that almost every single thread on Cavs Talk has turned into a trade idea thread. I understand that is a huge part of this forum. I also understand we just made a pretty big trade so people are pumped on future trades. But it makes it quite annoying when I'm trying to fish out legitimate news, or read respectable posters opinions, when 95% of the posts are "here's a four team deal that will land us Eddie Curry for Sasha Pavlovic a future 2nd."

I know I'm just venting, but it would be nice if more of the pure speculation posts and threads mentioned above would stay in the Trade Ideas forum, which I generally do not visit for a reason.
What in the hell is with all the Joker avatars ???
Are new posters disabled from making new threads?

I ask because I just read the blog suggesting the Cavs might be after Zach Randolph in a trade. I tried to make a new post regarding this rumor, and it said I wasn't authorized.
25 posts i believe, well thats when I was able to start posts.
Are new posters disabled from making new threads?

I ask because I just read the blog suggesting the Cavs might be after Zach Randolph in a trade. I tried to make a new post regarding this rumor, and it said I wasn't authorized.

It's not like Randolph is already being discussed in ten other threads or anything... :rolleyes:
Yeah, try not to make new threads regarding a subject that is being heavily discussed in other threads..
Yeah, try not to make new threads regarding a subject that is being heavily discussed in other threads..

Like the 10-12 Baron Davis threads....
Yeah, try not to make new threads regarding a subject that is being heavily discussed in other threads..

Unless that subject is Stryker, or Pip's amazingness.

If so, then multiple threads are allowed.
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