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2013 NFL Draft thread

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I don't see teams making aggressive trades this year and sacrificing multiple high assets. I honestly wouldn't feel much different if the Browns had the 15th pick as opposed to the 6th. I just don't see much difference in value between those slots this year. Whats the difference between Milliner at 6 or Rhodes/Vacarro at 15? I'm just not sure the eagerness to move up is there this year.

‏@twithersAP One Who Knows tells me #Browns are confident OC Norv Turner can get most out of QB Brandon Weeden, believe he will thrive in new offense.

Smokescreen? Possibly. But I agree. I really want to see what Norv can do with Weeden. Norv is the best offensive mind we have had in Cleveland in quite some time. Romeo, Mangini, Shurmur. No QB could succeed with them. I saw some horrible things from Weeden last year. But I also saw an NFL caliber arm. Something Colt, Quinn etc did not have. Hopefully Campbell lights a fire under Weeden's ass. If he can, I think Weeden could have a very solid year.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Florida State QB EJ Manuel set to work out for <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23Browns">#Browns</a> April 5 in Tallahassee, source said. Worked out for BUF &amp; JAX; PHI today &amp; CIN Fri.</p>&mdash; Nate Ulrich (@NateUlrichABJ) <a href="https://twitter.com/NateUlrichABJ/status/317306878004699136">March 28, 2013</a></blockquote>
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What if its a trade with the Vikings and you get the 23rd and 25th pick?

Maybe, I this draft is so weak I doubt you'll be able to pick up much more than a second in a trade down. Are the Vikings really willing to give up both picks to try and replace Ponder? I doubt it. If they're not trading up for a QB then there's just no shot they give up anything higher than a second.
If we brought him in I think the Browns would set the record for most concussions dished out by their safeties.

Does he have coverage ability also? (If you feel you have seen enough)
If we brought him in I think the Browns would set the record for most concussions dished out by their safeties.

And 15 yard penalties.


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Does he have coverage ability also? (If you feel you have seen enough)

Selby would be the guy to ask as he's a Carolina fan. I did see him a bit but not enough to make a solid statement. From what I saw he was pretty good in coverage, the thing that really stood out was his versatility. He seemed to line up everywhere. He did his share of ball hawking and playing center field.
Could really use some help seeing through the smoke...



EJ Manuel Says He’ll Attend Draft, Browns Interested

Listen to Bull & Fox weekdays 2-7pm on 92.3 The Fan

March 29, 2013 3:28 PM

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Florida State quarterback EJ Manuel / (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)

Reporting Keith Britton

Filed Under

Browns, College, Heard On,NFL, Sports
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Brandon Weeden, Cleveland Browns, EJ Manuel, Florida State, Joe Banner, NFL,NFL Draft, Philadelphia Eagles
<div style="margin-left: 160px; ">Florida State quarterback EJ Manuel joined Bull & Fox to talk about his upcoming workout with the Browns, what he’s worked most on training for the<div style="text-align: left; "><div style="text-align: left; ">NFL</div></div>draft, his greatest assets and what he brings to the table for a NFL franchise, the biggest thing he needs to work on, whether the success of last year’s rookie quarterbacks will put more pressure on future rookies, the possibility of playing in cold weather, interest from other NFL teams, experience with different offensive systems and more.
DJ was brought up a few pages ago and I gave my opinion on him. He seemed inconsistent in coverage to me. He never had any miserable games, but you could tell that he'd struggle sometimes with coverage. He is a hard-hitting safety, and he seems to have a knack for finding the ball carrier. My concern about DJ would be, how does he fit next to Ward? Both of them play at their best when they can roam around and hit people. Would we be able to get away with having these two start next to each other? Or would it be a better idea to get a safety that is better in coverage to play next to TJ?
Manuel is intriguing. Big athletic kid, big arm, but seems his accuracy is inconsistent. Did a little bit of digging and it seems like his teammates really respect him as a leader. Looks more like a 2nd or 3rd round pick to me though, not complete enough to take top 10 imo. Although, if he is attending the draft someone must think he's a 1st round pick. Interesting prospect nonetheless.

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Manuel is intriguing. Big athletic kid, big arm, but seems his accuracy is inconsistent. Did a little bit of digging and it seems like his teammates really respect him as a leader. Looks more like a 2nd or 3rd round pick to me though, not complete enough to take top 10 imo. Although, if he is attending the draft someone must think he's a 1st round pick. Interesting prospect nonetheless.


I remember reading this a lot, but the consensus among Florida St. fans seems to be that they like the guy but they won't miss him too much on the field. Physically he's the complete package, but his game never matched up to it.
I remember reading this a lot, but the consensus among Florida St. fans seems to be that they like the guy but they won't miss him too much on the field. Physically he's the complete package, but his game never matched up to it.

I'm a huge FSU fan (graduated in 2005). Really glad to see EJ move on from the program. Just never elevated to where he should have as a player with his gifts. I thought he only scratched the surface of what he should have become based on his tools. In the end he wa sjust soooo avearge and incapable of really getting FSU to where it should have been offensively.

It's tough to say how much Jimbo Fisher's ridiculous offensive system played in it, but EJ still missed a lot of throws, didn't use his legs enough, and I think really struggled to progress off of his first option. Granted, FSU runs the same 4 plays over and over with slight variations (I'm not joking, Jimbo thinks this is to our advantage) so again, maybe EJ just got caught up in awful coaching and player development.

If Cleveland were to take a QB I'd prefer Dysert to Manuel all day long.

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