When was this stretch when Luplow played everyday in the bigs and hit LHP well?Luplow HAS hit MLB RHers well when allowed to play every day.
And thats the point. When he plays every day, he hits everybody.
When he plays sporadically, he only hit lefties.
Everybody talks about Johnson, who has not handled lefties well...but Luplow was the better hitter in the minors than Johnson by a fairly substantial margin....without significant splits.
This does not mean that Johnson won't hit, but if you go by the results, Luplow deserves the first long look as a regular.
You are also completely missing the point I was making. I’m arguing against the route of slowly trying out fringe players as everyday players. They have 26 roster spots. Use them. Put guys in positions to succeed. It’s what Tampa has been doing the last few years and it hasn’t hindered player development or team performance. It’s the model the Indians should follow, especially with the logjam of players coming through the system.
Guys can play 4-5 games a week and still develop at the big league level. It’s not as black and white as many make it out to be.