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ALCS Game 2: Carmona vs. Schilling

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Jan 16, 2006
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4-3 Indians top of 4...

Boy Peralta just came up with a huge 3-run homer after the Sox got 3 in the bottom of the 3rd.. I have to say, Peralta has really played well this off-season and has probably saved himself from being traded because without this great post season he would of probably been traded... Glad to see him turn it around...

Carmona is doing okay but two things he needs to work on:

1). Location - he needs to start pitching on the outside corner to righties and inside corners to lefties... He can't just keep pounding the same spot over, over and over again or else he'll pay for it like he did last inning... Red Sox hitters are good enough to where they'll make you pay...

2). Develop a changeup - over the off-season if he can develop an off speed pitch like a change, he'll be absolutely unstoppable.. Right now his slider is his change of pace pitch but he really needs a changeup to be unhittable...

Overall he's looking okay today he's just getting himself into trouble by throwing a lot of balls (not a lot of first pitch strikes) and walking guys...
Is Schilling the same guy who wanted some big extension this year? Sorry dood.

The whole time he is up there he just looks like he is thinking "how will i have to start out my blog on this one?"

Schilling is pulled in the top of the 5th and Manny Declarmen is in as the Indians lead 5-3 off Grady Sizemore's rocket into the right field bullpen...

Fausto needs to try to go a couple more innings and we'll be good from there... Although he's already in the high 80's, low 90's as far as pitches thrown...


Carmona is out with 100 pitches on the nose in the bottom of the fifth and Rafael Perez is in...2 solid score less innings would be nice to get us to JoeBo, RaffeyRight and Lewis with the 7th, 8th and 9th...


**** **** **** ************

Manny ties it up off Raeffy for a two run homer... 5-5 bottom 5...

Now Lowell hits hit deep and Sox up 6-5



Gut ties it up with a groundout to score Peralta... Great job to tie it up...


If we can get through this inning without giving up a run I like how it sets up in our favor:


Red Sox - 2, 3, 4 batters


Indians - 7, 8, 9 batters
Red Sox - 5, 6, 7 batters


Indians - 1, 2, 3 batters
Red Sox - 8, 9, 1 batters

It looks like it's in our favor to make a late run, as long as we can get through this inning which is a very, very big inning...


Terrific to get out the inning there... All we need is one run, one run...
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Joe Bo warming up in the pen.....
Well, here's the game.


Can we get through this? Tom Mastny'll have to pitch his best.
Well, here's the game.


Can we get through this? Tom Mastny'll have to pitch his best.

Not gonna lie, Tribe got this one in the bag. Id put money on it.
We should just walk Manny. We can't keep him off the bases regardless.
Gagne warming in the pen!!!!

Come on Nasty Mastny!!!
Wow. 1-2-3.

Who'd have thought...

It's up to the pride of Indianola, Iowa to start us off right...

If we can get to Hafner, we win this game...

Or, Josh Barfield.
as i said yesterday, gagne's face looks like a 50 year old woman's......
Taking out Pronk hurts now doesnt it?
Good thing is Lopez is just as bad as Gagne.

Gotta get the job done here fellas. Just have to.
trot time

gange is horrible

also who is left in our pen? is cliff lee in there?
Why the Hell is Trot still batting here? Pinch hit his ass.

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