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Dan Gilbert Punked

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Hustling on the inside
Staff member
Apr 8, 2007
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Clearly, the Portland GM who Gilbert criticized last week was behind this...

Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, a noted practical joker, got punked by the team during Friday night's victory over the Hornets, when a video message on the scoreboard wished him a happy 50th birthday on Saturday and the crowd serenaded him with a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday." One problem. He's only 45.

I didn't realize Gilbert was that young. Good to know he has a sense of humor.

Dan Gilbert is the perfect NBA owner. Stands up for what he believes in (Paul Allen's ridiculous email), good employer (from any stories I've read), great sense of humor (love watching him embarrass AC and Fred), willing to spend money, and leaves basketball decisions to the basketball minds.

It's arguable that he's the second best thing that's ever happened to the Cavs.
That's hilarious. They did that in front of a home crowd. LOL!!
Dan Gilbert is the perfect NBA owner. Stands up for what he believes in (Paul Allen's ridiculous email), good employer (from any stories I've read), great sense of humor (love watching him embarrass AC and Fred), willing to spend money, and leaves basketball decisions to the basketball minds.

He also stays out of the headlines (except when somebody leaks one of his e-mails). Sort of the anti-Mark-Cuban.

And of course he hired Mike Brown and Danny Ferry in that order.
He also stays out of the headlines (except when somebody leaks one of his e-mails). Sort of the anti-Mark-Cuban.

And of course he hired Mike Brown and Danny Ferry in that order.

You're half right. He definitely always reminds me of an anti-Mark Cuban type owner, which is a pretty damn good thing.

As for the Mike Brown and Danny Ferry hires, Danny was technically his first choice of hiring. It's just that Danny was finishing his commitment to the Spurs at the time. Danny agreed with Larry Brown's suggestion to get Mike Brown (who was already finished with the Indiana Pacers, who were already out of contention).

If you want to know where this comes from, just check the book: "The Franchise" by Brian Windhorst and Terry Pluto.

But aside from that, excellent comparison.
You're half right. He definitely always reminds me of an anti-Mark Cuban type owner, which is a pretty damn good thing.

As for the Mike Brown and Danny Ferry hires, Danny was technically his first choice of hiring. It's just that Danny was finishing his commitment to the Spurs at the time. Danny agreed with Larry Brown's suggestion to get Mike Brown (who was already finished with the Indiana Pacers, who were already out of contention).

Didn't Gilbert have to be convinced by Mike Brown also in an interview before Ferry came (formally) on board? If he was taking advice from Larry Brown and then confirmation by Ferry, Gilbert still had to make that first decision, yeah?

But I follow you.
I think that Dan Gilbert is a fantastic owner, but I still think there's something questionable about the Michael Reghi situation, it was a poor judgement call, but other then that, I cannot think of one negative thing with our apparent team and front office direction.
The Reghi situation, I think, had more to do with just a personality issue. I don't think that Dan Gilbert really liked him ....saw some examples of just how Michael Reghi treated people when the cameras were off, and he just didn't have a very good opinion of him, and didn't want him associated with his team... Plus, he had a very favorable opinion of, and a solid relationship formed with his replacement ...from the Detroit market.

It's one decision that he made that you could say he did for personal reasons, above and beyond professional reasons.

But, many who have some knowledge of just how Mchael Reghi can be person to person, can say that his removal was a welcome decision.

He wasn't loved by alot of people that had to work with him ...
i think he should give out 45 free fatheads to some random people

(lets get real, hes rich as hell he should be givin out some stuff)
But, many who have some knowledge of just how Mchael Reghi can be person to person, can say that his removal was a welcome decision.

He wasn't loved by alot of people that had to work with him ...

Sounds like you've been chatting up some folks since Reghi was fired because you were very critical of the firing at the time the story broke. Max went out on a limb and let it be known there was more to it.

Gilbert said he expected that McLeod would help make the whole broadcast operation run more professionally ... well, I guess there's more than one way to take that.
The Reghi situation, I think, had more to do with just a personality issue. I don't think that Dan Gilbert really liked him ....saw some examples of just how Michael Reghi treated people when the cameras were off, and he just didn't have a very good opinion of him, and didn't want him associated with his team... Plus, he had a very favorable opinion of, and a solid relationship formed with his replacement ...from the Detroit market.

It's one decision that he made that you could say he did for personal reasons, above and beyond professional reasons.

But, many who have some knowledge of just how Mchael Reghi can be person to person, can say that his removal was a welcome decision.

He wasn't loved by alot of people that had to work with him ...

I am not in anyway saying I am close to the team like Wine and Gold or anywhere near. However through family I know Reghi and I can agree with everything W&G said. Luckily Since I am not affiliated with the cavs as he is I can put things a bit more bluntly. Reghi is an absolute scumbag of a human being he is pretentious, condescending, and extremely disrespectful to many people.

The quality of the broadcast was much better with Reghi, but it seems more and more that Reghi's demeanor really rubbed many people the wrong way.

I still prefer his work to Fred's although Fred has gotten better in his 2.5 years in Cleveland. When he started, the homerism was unbearable. He's toned it down. Reghi wasn't scared to criticize lackluster effort from the Cavs.
i think he should give out 45 free fatheads to some random people

(lets get real, hes rich as hell he should be givin out some stuff)

I would gladly take a championship over 45 fatheads...
It seemed like Reghi spoke his mind more, instead of sticking with the script, but Freddy has improved drastically since he first came on with the cavs.
I am not in anyway saying I am close to the team like Wine and Gold or anywhere near. However through family I know Reghi and I can agree with everything W&G said. Luckily Since I am not affiliated with the cavs as he is I can put things a bit more bluntly. Reghi is an absolute scumbag of a human being he is pretentious, condescending, and extremely disrespectful to many people.


I've heard Reghi is about as disrespectful as anyone. The term "asshole" has been used to describe him many times.

What many of the "Reghi lovers" fail to realize is that, if he really were such a wonderful NBA play-by-play man, why hasn't he landed another gig like the one he had here?

He was doing postgame stuff on that joke of a radio station (WKNR) that actually lets guys like Munch, Roda and Goldhammer on the air and wonders why about 15 people listen to it - at least that's about how many different people seem to call in. Now, I'm very happy that he's taking over for Munch - I can now listen to KNR on the way home once in a while.

But, don't believe that, "Cleveland's my home and this is where I want to be" stuff he's been saying. If anybody would have given him an NBA play-by-play gig, he would have been out of here so fast, your heads would spin. I'm sure he likes it here, but money talks, and while I don't know what McLeod pulls in, but I bet it's more than an off-hour sports talk host, which is what Reghi was before last week (with some random college football and basketball play-by-play).

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

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Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance