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X-Box 360

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cavincali said:
The farking PS3 isnt coming out until september. :thumbdown

Here are picture showing the improvements from ps1-ps3


and heres a couple of the games that will come out with the system


thats nasty!!!

The funny thing about ALL3 of those pics is that the FIRST pic, is the PS1, and IS THE ONLY IN-GAME PIC. The rest are videos.

And pretty much half of those games are comming out for the PC and 360.
The NINTENDO Revolution is going to be a more popular system than what people are giving it credit for. It also will have built-in on-line capability and be able to go wireless. The greatest feature it will have though is that once on-line, you will be able to download any nintendo game from the last 20 years. For old school gamers like my self, that grew up on atari and nintendo, I will be in line to buy it. Plus just like the XBOX - PS debate, people still have their favorites ranging from Mario Bros, Metroid, to Zelda. These titles alone bring in sales to NINTENDO.


That brings me to the PS3. From what I have read it is going to be an awesome system. See Sony and Microsoft love fan loyalty with their systems. It is what keeps one consumer not buying the other. I myself have no loyalty to any. The PS2 in its own right was a great system with 100's of more game titles than XBOX. The XBOX on-line capabilities blew PS2 out of the water but it cost every year to have it. I sold both of those systems to get the 360 which is levels above either one of them. When PS3 comes out it will probaly be at the same level of play and just as good.

For those of you that have the 360 now I recommend checking out the atari downloads. There are some games that are just flat out addicting.


Check out the trailor to this game and try it out on-live for I cant stop playing it. Never thought that I would spend so much money on a system to play this game the most.
RichOne said:
The NINTENDO Revolution is going to be a more popular system than what people are giving it credit for. It also will have built-in on-line capability and be able to go wireless. The greatest feature it will have though is that once on-line, you will be able to download any nintendo game from the last 20 years. For old school gamers like my self, that grew up on atari and nintendo, I will be in line to buy it. Plus just like the XBOX - PS debate, people still have their favorites ranging from Mario Bros, Metroid, to Zelda. These titles alone bring in sales to NINTENDO.


That brings me to the PS3. From what I have read it is going to be an awesome system. See Sony and Microsoft love fan loyalty with their systems. It is what keeps one consumer not buying the other. I myself have no loyalty to any. The PS2 in its own right was a great system with 100's of more game titles than XBOX. The XBOX on-line capabilities blew PS2 out of the water but it cost every year to have it. I sold both of those systems to get the 360 which is levels above either one of them. When PS3 comes out it will probaly be at the same level of play and just as good.

For those of you that have the 360 now I recommend checking out the atari downloads. There are some games that are just flat out addicting.


Check out the trailor to this game and try it out on-live for I cant stop playing it. Never thought that I would spend so much money on a system to play this game the most.

What a great post. Too bad the rest of these people are so stuck on the Sony Hype machine.

What I have been trying to say is that the PS3 will NOT "PWN" the 360, and the 360 will NOT "PWN" the PS3 either.

I can't believe how a Mac can make statements like that when the PS3 has nothing about it that finalized.
Its called business 101.

Why would release a product over 6 months to a year later if it wasnt a better product?

Why would PS3 put out a machine that is on the same level as the one on the market, that is just idiotic. Thats a stupid thought process.

Nevermind at the expo, the name of this event is escaping me, but its the big thing in Japan ever year....the PS3 had specs already much larger than the 360. But it will be the same RLaw? Right?

Yeah, sure thing buddy
A Mac aka The Truth said:
Its called business 101.

Why would release a product over 6 months to a year later if it wasnt a better product?

Why would PS3 put out a machine that is on the same level as the one on the market, that is just idiotic. Thats a stupid thought process.

Nevermind at the expo, the name of this event is escaping me, but its the big thing in Japan ever year....the PS3 had specs already much larger than the 360. But it will be the same RLaw? Right?

Yeah, sure thing buddy

You just don't get it, do you?

I posted the chart above. If the PS3 comes out with what it is promised, then Sony will be selling it at a HUGE loss. It woun't be till 2008 when Sony starts making money off of the system iteself. But I guess you don't like statistics...thats why u hate LJ4MVP (or whatever his name is).

The same thing happened with the PS2. They first announced it with this amazing power. Then, as the time drew nearer to the release date, Sony kept taking down the specs little by little. I guess you don't remember Sony saying that the PS2 would play TOY STORY like graphics.

It has already started. Search for articles from a year ago for PS3's announced specs. Now do a search for articles in the last couple of months announcing PS3's specs.

YOU WILL SEE A DECLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not saying that the PS3 will be shitty or anything. No, I believe it will be an awesome system, and I am waiting for it myself, but I KNOW THAT IT WILL NOT BE AS POWERFUL AS PROMISED.

But here is what I know about the PS3. That it will be damn expensive, it will have awesome games, and a rip-off online service for free. I'm down for that, but not at $400+ tag. I will just wait for it to go down in price.

Plus, I can't wait for Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of the Patriots. (And since the PS3 will be backwards campatable, I will just play MGS3: Snake Eater on that too. I have played MGS 1 and 2 already.)
No I dont remember what happened when the PS2 was coming out...I was like 14, that woulda made you like 12 so I really doubt you remember what happened either. So unless you got something to show me exactly what was said, I don't believe a word you say.

What I take on the system is what I take from the official playstation magazine...the specs are better and nothing has been speculated about price or what route they are going with their online system yet.

Sony makes mass amounts of money of their system...it won't take long for them to return a profit on their system. Def not two years.
on this site...


it says that
Typically the last two generations of the PlayStation have been priced at around $300 at launch. Both have continuously decreased in price year on year into their life, its quite likely PS3 will do the same. It's not known how much it will cost but around $300 is probably a fair guess, as this is the maximum price most gamers would be willing to pay. There are some unexpected extra features, such as the 2 HDMI outputs and 3 Gigabit RJ45 LAN connections, that will likely drive the price tag up a fair amount!

If it is only $300 that would be great.
A Mac aka The Truth said:
No I dont remember what happened when the PS2 was coming out...I was like 14, that woulda made you like 12 so I really doubt you remember what happened either. So unless you got something to show me exactly what was said, I don't believe a word you say.

What I take on the system is what I take from the official playstation magazine...the specs are better and nothing has been speculated about price or what route they are going with their online system yet.

Sony makes mass amounts of money of their system...it won't take long for them to return a profit on their system. Def not two years.

I DO remember. I can't show u anything for I can't go an search for an article that old. But don't be foolish and say that I don't remember...when in fact I do, and I am telling u. Not making any sence.

Offcourse the OPM is going to make the PS3 sound as sweet as it can. Thats what the OXM would and most likely did for the 360. Its all propoganda. This is a billion dollar industry.

They are perfectly competative firms(departaments). That means that their products are subsitutable, and if one raises its prices, the consumers will go and buy the other firm's product for less. So both sides try to do ANYTHING to keep the ball on their side.

And if u follow businesses, you will see that Sony is not as hot as it used to be...not as rich as it used to...So NO, it can't do that for long.


And like I said, Im not taking your word for it. You cant even remember how to spell words right, but you are supposed to remember that?

Im looking at that little chart....I dont see profit or sales or projected earnings listed anywhere in there..
Look at the last row:TOTAL COST!

That is the Total Cost for a single PS3.

Then as time goes by, things become cheaper.

Now it does not take a genius to realise that if it costs $1002 to make and they are selling it for $300, they are selling it at a loss.
There is no way those are legit numbers.

I need the full article to explain what that chart is trying to suggest.
Offcourse you would. You need anything to deny the evidence. Ignorance is bliss.

You don't need the article. All you need to do is research the prices of the individual pieces that are going in the PS3.

But I will try to dig up the article if I can.
RuanuLaw said:
Offcourse you would. You need anything to deny the evidence. Ignorance is bliss.

You don't need the article. All you need to do is research the prices of the individual pieces that are going in the PS3.

But I will try to dig up the article if I can.

No, you need all of the info before you make a sound judgment. You going off of a chart with no context explaining it seems kinda ignorant to me. Who put that chart out? What relationship to sony/microsoft do they have? Need more info before you start saying that chart is fact hell for all we know some 15yo kid could have thrown some bullshit together and posted it up on the net for people like you to take and run with.
Mandingo said:
No, you need all of the info before you make a sound judgment. You going off of a chart with no context explaining it seems kinda ignorant to me. Who put that chart out? What relationship to sony/microsoft do they have? Need more info before you start saying that chart is fact hell for all we know some 15yo kid could have thrown some bullshit together and posted it up on the net for people like you to take and run with.

Damn you people are geeks, getting all pissed off over video games. :chuckles:

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