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Welcome Shawn Marion #31

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Everyone knows this move was made to have someone to match up against the great Boris Diaw in the NBA Finals.


After watching that video, I think we all need to sit down and ask ourselves.....why they heck that video is mirrored.
Really happy about this signing here !
Hopefully not.

I for one would start him at center and bring AV off the bench to keep AV healthy all TT has to to do is play hard D, With KI, MM/DW, James, Love we have more than enough offence to carry TT, Sure he's not a shot blocker but do we really need one this year, TT is strong never misses a game, I agree that we need a backup center, just tell me where we are going to get one that would make a difference?
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Five starred the thread, because this truly puts us in serious contention. My favorite player since before Bronny Bron- period.

Why are people saying Marion will be playing PF? His minutes in Dallas were mostly at SF. He'll be backing up LeBron. He certainly can play short stretches at the 2 and 4.

Per 82games, Marion played more than 900 minutes at PF last year.

In 2012-13, he played a majority of his minutes at PF.
David Blatt is so spoiled!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>&quot;It's great news,&quot; Blatt tells me Re: Shawn Marion securing deal with CLE. &quot;Thrilled to hear he'll become a Cavalier.&quot;</p>&mdash; David Pick (@IAmDPick) <a href="https://twitter.com/IAmDPick/statuses/501030886104903680">August 17, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Countdown until someone says Bulls are favorites in the East without offering any real meaningful explanation....

So how good could this team be?

So good - I don't want to say it - but it's scary.

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Video

Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

Rubber Rim Job Podcast Spotify

Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance