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Beer snob thread!

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I have spent more money on Sierra Nevada Pale Ale than all other alcohols combined. I loved it for 15 years.
Howerver, now my favorite beer is Stone's IPA.
Stone is the best brewery in the world in my opinion.

Sierra Nevada is a beginners IPA were Stone's more on the advanced side after you aquire a taste for the hoppyness of Pale Ale's. I'm a big fan of Stone, but do yourself a favor and get your hands on some Ithaca Flower Power. It's a level up.
The two best vacations I've ever taken in my life were to Napa Valley and Munich, Germany (imagine that). I've never been somewhere that is so absolutely obsessed with beer as Munich is, and the beer there is amazing. They have several major breweries that provide most of the beer (Hacker-Pschorr, Weihenstephaner, Paulaner, Warsteiner, Krombacher, etc), but they're all of exceptionally high quality. Weihenstephaner is the oldest brewery in the world (~1000 years old), and for weissbier, it is the beer of choice for my wife and I. Reasonably easy to get here in America too. A close second is Hacker-Pschorr. And third on my list would be Paulaner. If you can get your hands on any of those, they're all fantastic.

I'll make other posts as I think about what I like. :)

I'm a big fan of the German beers. My father owns a European grocery store in Cleveland that sells those Germans you mentioned. Personally, the Weihenstephaners are my favorite, and they have a nice variety of light/dark/weiss. The Germans know what they're doing, after all they've been observing the same purity law for approximately 400 years!

As far as the Belgians, my favorite right now is Gulden Draak (Golden Dragon). First time I had it was last year at the Lizard. Easy to go down but 10.5% Alc. I'll always remember that one, as it was during the midst of the Cavs crazy comeback win in Sacto last season.

Anybody out there partake in the Lizard Beer Tour? I just finished my first one last year and enjoyed it so much I'm doing it again.
Busch Light. I'm poor.

and apparently a redneck, natty lite is more respectable and less trashy. only rednecks who go to NASCAR drink Bush...and if you say "its because im in college" its still not valid.

I believe I have a picture of my apartment fridge looking just like that back from my days as a G'town undergrad. On campus Busch was actually quite prevalent, a little bit of Keystone mixed in, and depending on what kind of promotion the fabled Dixie Liquor ran, some sort of Miller Product.
Winking Lizard beer tour is for rookies with bad fake IDs. Step into the real and hit up Beer Markt.
Newcastle is solid- got some free ones while talking to their reps in Kent last week

Though an cider type- Strongbow is fantastic.
Anybody try Fatheads microbrews? Their Bumbleberry Ale is so freakin' good.

I also think their Christmas Ale was better than Great Lakes.

You shut your whore mouth. :chuckles:

All joking aside I haven't tried it, I just love me some Great Lakes Christmas Ale.

I may have missed it, it's kind of a long thread, but I didn't see some of my favorites mentioned.

I really enjoy Dundee beers.


They are all good, the Honey Brown in particular is delicious. I'm not a huge fan of IPAs but I like the one Dundee puts out. They have a craft pack which lets you sample pretty much all of their beers, I highly recommend it.

I also love Yeungling, only time I can ever get it is when my friend from PA goes home from school.

Another good one is Hoegaarden.


I first had it because my roommate has this German professor. He told her he liked Blue Moon and she told him "Blue Moon is for girls." After that she bought him a Hoegaarden and said "This is a man's Blue Moon." He came home and forced me to try it, it's damn delicious.
Sierra Nevada is a beginners IPA were Stone's more on the advanced side after you aquire a taste for the hoppyness of Pale Ale's. I'm a big fan of Stone, but do yourself a favor and get your hands on some Ithaca Flower Power. It's a level up.

Ever have Sierra Nevada BigFoot? It's like 9.4 % and tastes like rubbing alcohol (not really, but I think it does).


And as for Fatheads Christmas Ale, I just think it's a lot smoother and easier to enjoy than the Great Lakes.
YUM! Nothing like a pitcher of Hoes. I know what I'm doing after work.
On a Side note last week Brooklyn Black Ops hit the Cleveland Akron market last week. One of the hardest beers in the world to Aquire. It’s essentially their Black Chocolate Stout that has been aged in bourban barrels and then refermented with Champagne Yeast. 11.7% a/c and Brooklyn doesn’t even aknowledge they make it. It’s pricey but a must try if you can track one down. Only 10 cases in the market for the whole year.

This one sounds intriguing... I've got my "source" trying to track this one down for me. We've made friends with our local wine/beer shop owners and they're pretty good at getting in anything we ask them for. I'll be curious if this is as tough to find as you suggest.
The Lake County Captains have a hell of a beer list available at the stadium this year.

21st Amendment Watermelon Wheat
Ayinger Oktoberfest
Ayinger Celebrator Dopplebock
Bluegrass Bourban Stout
Brooklyn Lager
Brooklyn Pennant Ale (when available)
Black Chocolate Stout
Dixie Blackened Voodoo
Hofbrau Original
Hofbrau Hefeweizen
Hofbrau Oktoberfest
Hook & Ladder Golden
Ithaca Apricot Wheat
Lindeman's Pomme
Murphy's Red
Okocim White
Ommegang Rare Vos
Ommegang Witte
Rogue Dead Guy Ale
Sam Smith Lager
Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout
Smuttynose IPA
Thirsty Dog Leghumper
Thirsty Dog Siberian Night
Victory Hop Devil
Woodchuck Amber Cider

I thought this justified a bump on this thread.
Totally didn't know this thread existed....excellent.

We are so lucky to be near the Great Lakes Brewery...Edmund Fitzgerald is probably my favorite beer.

Last night I enjoyed a Sierra Nevada Hefeweizen that was quite tasty.

Right now I'm in Erie so I'm downing Yuengling like no other, draft pints for two bucks, it's nice. It's not great beer by any means, but something about it makes it go down way, way too easily.
If anybody likes GOOD IPAs try:

Dogfish Head 60min IPA
Dogfish Head 90min IPA (awesome, but pricey @ approx $10/ 4 pk)
Flying Dog Double Dog IPA (Good stuff!)
Love Dogfish Head 60 Minute...Stone IPA is great too.
Winking Lizard beer tour is for rookies with bad fake IDs. Step into the real and hit up Beer Markt.

I know this was posted a few months ago. I really don’t know how I missed it. However, that statement is absurd. Nothing against beer market because it is a hell of a place with some really cool brews. However to talk down on Winking Lizards beer tour is just ignorant. They have some the most unique brews in the world thanks to their globally recognized buying power and ability o move product. For example: traquair Lards Legacy is a Scottish Ale with a production of a mere 1000 cases. The only reason Ohio has even seen this stuff is thanks to the Lizards who convinced Traquair to allocate 200 of those cases to them. Duvel Green is also a very limited beer that is on the beer tour (not at every location unfortunately). Not to mention Brooklyn has brewed a special beer for a feature at the Lizards that will only be available at the winking Lizards and it'll only be around for about a month. They are also constantly staying up to date with the newest and latest stuff coming out. I could go on but I feel I've illustrated my point.

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Episode 3-15: "Cavs Survive and Advance"

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Episode 3:15: Cavs Survive and Advance